Chapter 30

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The days had been awfully peaceful, Xander had some urgency so he had gone back to his kingdom. Seems like his mother has started making things troublesome for him.

Damian was sent by her to investigate the Grand Duke.

Katherine was having a bad feeling today as she walked through the gardens of the academy alongside Holly.

"Lady Katherine, I have got some more cookies, will you like to try them" Holly said in a small voice.

"hmm" Katherine nodded and Holly gave her a big smile as they walked in the direction to the bench.

Before they could reach the bench an arrow wooshed past them.

Katherine's senses were on alert as she hid a trembling Holly behind her back.

"Come out" she shouted.

No one came out. Katherine looked around and saw some movement in a tree.

She threw a air cutter towards it as a man jumped out.

Soon the man's companions also joined him. There was a party of men standing before.

Katherine smirked looking at them, she was sure they came for her, and looking at their attire she knew the person that sent them too.

One man was standing between them having a magical sword. He was the leader of the squad.

She watched amused as the leader visibly sweated under her gaze.

"Say a little hi to your leader on my behalf when I am done with you Ok" Katherine said summoning some black fire balls in the air.

Looking at her now she looked no less intimidating than the queen of hell who has came to sweep their souls to hell.

But before she could do anything, the men were blown away by a sharp gust of air, which made them hit the trees hard but they stood again.

Alisteir came in front of Katherine giving her a smile "Stay back, I will deal with them".

Katherine didn't respond, she just demolished the fireballs she has created and stood infront of Holly.

Holly was trembling from fright, she doesn't have any special attitude and her mana was really low so with her earth magic she can do nothing but help plants grow.

Katherine called Luna "Protect her" she said to her before going back to where Alisteir was and as she has asumed the fight was not going well for Alisteir.

He has successfully defeated five of the men but the other four including the leader were giving him a hard time.

Katherine watched the fight will dull eyes.

Suddenly Alisteir was thrown away by the leader and he charged towards her. Katherine looked at the leader bored but her eyes widened when Alisteir suddenly came before her and blocked the attack sending him flying into a tree.

Now it was no longer amusing to Katherine.

She twirled her fingers and the fireballs were back.

They hit each one of the men with such large force that they lay limp on the ground, only the leader was able to stand clutching his chest where the fire hit.

She swated her left hand and he was blown out of the academy with his dead subordinates.

After sending them away she reached Alisteir who was now sitting on the bench.

She put her hand in front of his chest. A green light emerged from her hand healing any injuries that he had.

Luna had escorted Holly back to her room.

Katherine sat beside him after he was fully healed.

She glared and shook her head.

Alisteir knew what was to come so he just sat their with his head down.

"Are you stupid Alisteir? why the hell you have to come infront of me, I can handle him, don't go doing things that might get you injured, do you understand?" she said in a stern voice.

Alisteir slowly nodded.

"It seems this is not the first time this happened" Del said sitting on the ground.

He had come out after Luna had gone with Holly and was just quietly enjoying the scene.

'Yeah' Alisteir thought,this was definitely not the first time, the same thing has happened years ago when she was here in Enchancia.

He clearly remember the day like it was a thing that happened just yesterday.


It was tea party they were invited to. Alisteir was there and so were Lucas and Katherine.

Lucas was busy socialising with the other noble kids while Katherine just roamed around the garden, having pastries here and there.

Even though her face said nothing but her eyes glowed a little when she ate them.

Alisteir can't help but just stare at her the whole time.

Then he noticed her being surrounded by some guys and knowing them he knew they were bad kids.

"Hey, commoner, get me a glass of water" Alisteir listened one of the boy say.

Katherine just ignored them and ate her cake.

Angry the boy flipped her plate as it fell on the ground ruining the cake.

The boy got her hands and it was when Alisteir jumped in pushing the boy with his magic.

He stood between the boys and Katherine.

"My my who do we have here, the black sheep of the Valdez house" the boy with short black hair said.

"Leave this commoner to us" commanded the boy who has previously got her hand.

"No" Alisteir said firmly standing before Katherine shielding her from the other boys.

"Seems like you will not listen easily so we have to adopt some mean means to teach you a lesson" the boy said attacking with some sharp water waves.

Obviously these boys were older then them.

The attack would have been hard as Alisteir easily collapsed on the ground.

The boys laughed "Weakling".

Katherine eyed them coldly and glared.

The boys looked at her eyes and stopped as they were frozen. Sweat formed at their foreheads and they were visibly shaking.

Her eyes seemed more cold than the peaks of the Hell mountains.

They ran away terrified that she will come for them to take their souls to hell.

Katherine helped Alisteir up and healed him.

"Stupid" she said after he was completely healed.

"Sorry" He said with his face down "I just wanted to help, but I doubt that I was much of a help"

Katherine sighed and suddenly hugged him, he melted in the warm embrace of the cold girl.

"Thank you but don't do this again, and you will become stronger in future" she said softly.

It was good that they were in a remote place as he nuzzeled his head in her hair otherwise if Lucas saw him he will have his head.

Flashback End*

Alisteir hugged her out of nowhere which she neither reciprocated nor pushed him away. He was happy as he fell asleep with his own knowledge.

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