Chapter 47

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"So, should we have gotten something for Hunter?" Corbin asked and opened his drink, the drink making a small hiss while the carbonation of his drink was released. "Or is he SOL?" He took a sip of his drink and wrinkled his nose, pursing his lip while he turned his head to the side. "Ooh, that hits the spot."

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye before I looked at the road again. "I got him some things," I said. "I wasn't planning on eating or drinking everything in one go like you." I gave him a pointed look, and Corbin grinned before he shrugged and took another sip of his drink.

"Suuuurrreeee," he said sarcastically. "What is for him, or are you going to tell me?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question.

"I'm not going to tell you," I said and tapped my thumb against the steering wheel while I looked around before I looked at him and then looked out the window. "I don't want you to eat or drink anything that I might have gotten for him."

Corbin scoffed a laugh and rolled his eyes before he shot me a playful scowl. "I wouldn't do that even if you told me which was which, Kel," he said and shook his head. "I wouldn't want to piss off Mama Wolf when she is barely hanging on as it is." He winked teasingly, and I held back an eye roll but scowled, pressing my lips into a thin line.

"Very funny, Corbin," I grumbled, and he snorted before he rolled his eyes and set his jaw. I cleared my throat and shifted in my seat, tapping my thumb against the steering wheel. "You are correct, though, because I am still barely hanging on as it is because someone decided to piss my wolf off, and she wants blood."

I grabbed my steering wheel tighter when she growled and pushed against the barrier that held her in place, and I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes a little while I stared at the road. 'Stop, Nova,' I hissed and set my jaw, my jaw shaking. 'You don't need to push against the barrier while I am driving.'

'But then we would have more fun,' Nova said with a small growl in her voice. 'We could injure him by crashing the car and then beating his ass until next week.'

'But we would be hurting ourselves as well if we did that, Nova.' I pulled to the side of the road and moved my foot from the gas pedal before I parked the truck and grabbed the steering wheel tighter.

"Kel?" Corbin asked when I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth together. He didn't try to touch me, knowing full well that I did not want to be touched, especially like this. "Are you ok?" he asked, worried.

I growled and shook my head, gritting my teeth and grabbing the steering wheel so hard that I was surprised that it didn't break. "Your ass is mine when we get back to the pack, Corbin," I snarled and bared my teeth, feeling them lengthen against my lips. "Make sure that you are protected from head to toe."

"Hmph." Corbin pressed his lips into a thin line while he nodded in agreement. "Do you have something from Joel that will make sure that we stay in one area and that no one can go in or out unless you are in control again?" he asked while he raised an eyebrow in question.

'We should just attack him now, Kellum,' Nova said and again pushed more against my barrier some more. 'We have waited to play with him long enough.'

'We will wait longer, Nova,' I said and bared my teeth, growling some more. 'We have to wait longer or else we could get into trouble. You know this.'

Nova growled, her anger growing more and more with each passing that I didn't let her out.

'Nova, please,' I begged, my throat breaking just a little. 'We can't do this now. We have too much to do and too little time to do it in. Do you want someone to kill our mate because we can't get our shit together?'

Nova growled again but relented once I brought up our mate. 'Will you let me kick his ass?' she asked, and I bit back a small breathless chuckle, knowing full well that she wanted to attack Corbin and then the man that was controlling our mate.

'Yes,' I said, 'but the man that is controlling our mate will be later, ok?'

Nova growled but moved back some more, and I could finally breathe and relaxed my grip on my steering wheel. 'As long as I can attack Corbin without any repercussions, then we are fine.'

"Kel?" Corbin asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper, and I shook my head and opened my eyes, staring straight ahead, even though I couldn't "see" the road because my vision was fuzzy and blurry. "A-"

"Don't," I said, interrupting him and grabbing my steering tighter again while I set my jaw and narrowed my eyes. "Don't talk just yet, Corbin. I'm still having to fight Nova and not attack you in the truck. Let me breathe first and get us back on the road before you start talking to me again."

Corbin pressed his lips into a thin line before he slowly nodded, relenting. He didn't say a word and waited for me to calm myself down more, not even phased, for some reason. He wasn't pushed up against the passenger door and wasn't afraid of me or the monster hiding underneath my skin.

He knew that I would protect him and try to keep him safe even from myself...

Nova backed off some more but was still grumbling under her breath about him and how she wanted to attack and didn't want to wait any longer. However, she knew better than to push me just yet.

I breathed a small sigh of relief and opened my eyes, relaxing my grip on the steering wheel. "Ok," I said, my voice barely above a whisper before I cleared my throat and shook my head. "I think I am ok." I started the truck again and started to make my way back onto the road again.

"Are you sure?" Corbin asked and raised an eyebrow in question. He frowned and slowly blinked while he studied me, cocking his head to one side. "Or is it something that you are trying to tell yourself so that you could believe it?"

I set my jaw and shook my head, grabbing my steering wheel tighter, but Nova didn't try to take control again. "Can we ride the rest of the way in silence, please?" I asked and raised an eyebrow in question. "Or can we have the music going, please? I just don't want to talk to you right now, Corbin."

Corbin bit back a small snort and nodded. He didn't say a word and turned on the music, silently indicating that he would let us drive the rest of the way to the pack in science.

Thank, Goddess...

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