Dancer and Lawyer pt 4

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3 weeks later

Maya's outfit: Black and white shirt, blue skirt, black tights, brown flats, and ponytail.

Maya and Josh are sleeping when all of a sudden Josh wakes up in pain. Maya wakes up when she feels movement.

Maya: Josh?

Josh gets up, and Maya sits up, and Josh falls to the ground.

Josh: Ahh.
Maya: Josh!

Maya runs to fiance. She then calls 911 and changes. At the hospital, Maya is in the waiting room with Riley and Smackle.
Riley: He'll be ok.
Maya: How do you know that?
Smackle: Gotta have some type of faith in him.
Maya: I know.

The doctor comes out.

Doctor: Maya, he's ready for you.
Maya: Thank you.

Maya walks into her fiancé's hospital room.

Josh: I'm ok.
Maya: What happened?
Josh: The illness I had when I was born came back.
Maya: What's that?
Josh: It's a respiratory infection. The doctor says it's possible that it's worse than when I was first born.
Maya: I can't lose you.
Josh: And you won't.
Maya: We can do this.

Maya kisses Josh.

2 weeks later.

Maya's outfit: White shirt, blue jeans, red belt, brown flats, and curls.

Maya walks into the apartment to see her fiance sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

Maya: What did the doctor say?
Josh: The respiratory infection spread. We don't have much time.
Maya: No.
Josh: That's what the doctor told me.

Maya walks into their room and fall to the ground crying. Josh walks over and sits down.

Maya: This is actually happening.
Josh: Yeah.

Josh puts his arm around Maya, and she puts her head on his shoulder.

3 weeks later.

Maya's outfit: Black shirt, green jeans, gray sweater, gold necklace, brown sandals, and waves.

Maya puts the food on the table.

Maya: Josh, come eat.

Josh puts his laptop down and grabs a piece of pizza.

Josh: It tastes like cardboard.

Josh puts the pizza down. Maya puts her food down and sits next to Josh on the couch.

Maya: Josh.
Josh: I can't do this anymore. You'll become a widow.

Maya gets up.

Maya: What is the wedding?
Josh: You deserve to have your husband alive and not dead. You'll be a widow if you marry me.
Maya: No! Josh, you can't do that!
Josh: I have no choice!
Maya: Yet you do! You can't make decisions without me! I can't decide!
Josh: It's not like I can!
Maya: No, you don't do this by yourself anymore!

Maya walks out of the apartment and Josh behind her, but Maya keeps walking when Josh sits down on the curb. After some thinking, Maya walks over.

Maya: Josh, do you remember what I said when we first got together? I said that we're in this together no matter what.

Josh stands up.

Josh: I lost my taste. The meds were supposed to help, but they took my taste.  It could've been any other since but not my taste.

Maya walks over.

Maya: If they took your sight, you wouldn't be able to see me. If they took your hearing, you wouldn't be able to hear me.

Maya puts her hands on Josh.

Maya: If they took your touch, you wouldn't be able to feel this. I am no widow. I am your bride, and that's all you're allowed to say.

Josh turns around and hugs Maya.

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