Dancer and Lawyer pt 1

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Maya's outfit: White shirt, blue ripped jeans, black belt, black flannel, silver necklace, black bag, silver hoop earrings, white phone case, white shoes, and curls.

Maya is a professional ballerina, and Josh is a lawyer. Josh is walking past a dance studio, and through the window, he sees a beautiful blonde dancing. 2 hours later, he's at the light on his way home when he hears commotion by the studio. He follows the noise to see the blonde trying to fight someone off of her.

Josh: Hey!

The guy and the ballerina look.

Josh: The lady asked for you to leave her alone. So leave her alone.
Guy: Mind your own business.
Josh: I heard her yelling at you to leave her alone, and you didn't listen. Now step away from the girl!
Guy: No.
Josh: Now. That's harassment.
Guy: Fine. I'll leave her alone. For now.

The guy walks away, angry.

Josh: Are you ok?
Girl: I am, thank you.
Josh: I'm Joshua Matthews. Call me Josh, please.
Girl: I'm Maya Clutterbucket-Hart Hunter.
Josh: Long name. Nice to meet you.

The girl laughs, and they shake hands.

Maya: Thank you. You too.
Josh: I've seen you around here. Don't you dance at this studio?
Maya: I do. I'm a ballerina. What do you do that you're in a suit?
Josh: I'm a lawyer.
Maya: Ahh. Could I treat you to dinner or something?
Josh: That's unnecessary.
Maya: I want to.
Josh: Sure, why not.
Maya: Let's go.
Josh: Wait, now?
Maya: No, in a year. Of course, now.

They walk to a taco place and sit down.

Josh: So, did you grow up here in New York?
Maya: Kind of. My father left when I was 5, but I was in Arkansas with my parents at the time. Then my mom got a job working as a waitress at a diner here in New York, and we moved here. One day was walking when I heard singing through this baywindow. So I climbed the fire escape and through this young brunette girl's window. So it looked like she was this very happy girl. The thing is though me and this brunette are best friends. She went to a different college called Yale and hasn't come back to New York. I went to Juilliard and now I'm a ballerina. What's your story?

(Josh and Riley are not related in this oneshot)

Josh: Not as interesting as yours.

They laugh.

Maya: Now you have to tell me.
Josh: Well, when I was born, I was so sick that I could've died. It's because my parents had me later in their lives. Anyway, I lived in Philadelphia most of my life. Then, when I was 12, my parents passed away, so they put me in the system. Then, this pastor and his wife saw me and brought me home to New York with them. They changed me with the way I talked to people and acted around people. I went to New York University and became alawyer.
Maya: Wow. I was not expecting that. So, you're Christian?
Josh: Have been since I was 12. Why don't you come with me to church this Sunday?
Maya: I'm not one for the regious stuff.
Josh: Come on. You'll love it. Trust me.
Maya: Sure, why not.
Josh: Give me your number, and I'll have you text me your address. I'll pick you up at 8:45 am on Sunday morning.
Maya: Ok.

Time skip to Sunday morning.

Maya wakes up at 6:30. She does her morning routine.

Maya's outfit: White polo, blue sweater, white skirt, blue shoes, and curls.

After Maya is done getting ready, there's a knock at her door. She opens it to reveal Josh in a suit.

Maya: You look nice.
Josh: You look beautiful.
Maya: Is this good for church?
Josh: It's perfect.

They get into Josh's car and drive towards the church. They get to the church.

Pastor Gutierrez: Hello, son. Who's the lovely lady?
Josh: She's a friend, dad. Her name is Maya.
Pastor Gutierrez: It's a pleasure to meet you, and may God bless you.
Maya: Thank you.
Josh: Let's go sit down.

They sit down by Josh's adopted mother, Maria Gutierrez.

Maria: Mijo, I'm so glad you made it. Ooh, is this your girlfriend?
Josh: No, Mama.
Maria: I'm Maria.
Maya: Maya.
Maria: You're very beautiful.
Maya: Thank you.


Josh: So?
Maya: That was amazing.
Josh: I could pick you up every week for church.
Maya: I just might take you up on that offer.
Josh: I sure hope so.

They get to Maya's door.

Maya: Thank you.
Josh: You're welcome.

They look into each other's eyes, and all of a sudden, they start kissing. They pull apart.

Maya: Talk to you tomorrow?
Josh: After work.
Maya: After work.

Maya walks into her apartment, and Josh leaves.

2 weeks later.

Maya's outfit: Black and white stripped sleevless shirt, red flannel, blue jeans, brown belt, brown heel boots, and waves.

Maya is at the coffee shop getting coffee when Josh walks in.

Josh: Maya?

Maya turns around.

Maya: Josh?
Josh: You come here for coffee too?
Maya: Yeah.

They smile at each other.

Josh: I'm actually glad I ran into you.
Maya: Why?
Josh: I wanna tell you something.
Maya: Ok.

They get their coffee and go to a park and sit on a bench.

Josh: Maya.
Maya: Tell me.
Josh: Maya, we haven't known each other for that long. But, I feel like I've known you, my whole life. Maya, I didn't know I could feel this way for someone. Especially someone that I met 3 weeks ago. I don't know how you feel, but what I do know is how I feel. I love you. I fell in love with you when I saved you from that guy and us telling each other our story. You are beautiful, funny, and smart. Maya, I love you. I'm in love with you.

Maya is in tears now.

Maya: That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. If I'm being honest, I love you too. Truth is, I've seen you all around New York for years and just never talked to you until 3 weeks ago. 3 weeks ago, when you saved me from that guy, I felt something. I felt something that wasn't broken for once. I felt something that no one has ever made me feel, not even my best friend. I felt like I found my missing piece. You took me to church, and I never thought of myself as a religious girl, but now I am. I'm a child of God. I opened my eyes and realized that because of you. Not only did I open my eyes, but I opened my heart. I found someone that completes me. I love you.
Josh: I'm gonna kiss you now.
Maya: Just do it.

They kiss.

3 weeks later

Maya's outfit: Long sleeve floral shirt, pink shorts, brown flats, and braid.

Maya and Josh are walking through the park holding hands.

Maya: It's crazy to think that we're actually together after a month of knowing each other.
Josh: God has a funny way of sending love through other people to others.
Maya: He sure is. Your dad asked me to sing.
Josh: Are you going to?
Maya: I think I might.
Josh: God gave you a gift, and you should really use it.
Maya: You're amazing.
Josh: I love you.
Maya: I love you too.

They kiss.

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