18. Leave

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Nobody heard me that night. I got abused and no one even came looking for me. I had to walk back to my hut after crying on the floor of the forest in the dark. I wish Newt was still here, but instead I had to fall asleep and wake up in a cold empty bed. I hear a knock at the door and I quickly fix myself up.

"Come in" I tell them.

"Hi...sorry Minho wants you" Newt tells me.

"Oh. Kay, thanks" I get up and Newt's eyes drop to the bruises on my legs.

"Are....are you okay?" I look at my legs. And nod slowly.

"Fine" I tell him he takes a step forward and I immediately step back.

"Y/n, tell me what happened" he orders me.

"No, it's not like you care anyway." I avoid meeting his eyes. He takes another step towards me and I step back and fall on my bed.

"Please..." Tears form in my eyes.

"Y/n, I won't hurt you. You know that" He reassures me. He comes and sits next to me on the bed. His energy is calm but his face tells me he's worried.

"L-last ni...night um.. Billy he um" I stop talking and wipe the tears from my eyes. I don't need to explain further Newt just touches my legs.
I pull them away.

"Please don't, Newt. I don't want it to happen again." I look at him. He seems hurt.

"Why would you think I'd do that to you?" He asks.

"Because I don't know if I can trust you anymore! Teresa told me you were in the maze then I went to find you to make sure you weren't leaving me and I saw you kissing her! I got locked in there overnight! Again Newt. It happened again. I can't take this anymore" I sob into my knees. He touches my back.

"Wait...what? Teresa said I was in the maze? She said you were crying in your hut saying my name. I went to look for you and she came up and kissed me. Then she told me that she heard you saying you wanted to break up with me and you needed space so you ran into the maze..." He explains.

"R-really? I-i-i but sh-she said. I thought you were about to kill yourself! She told me.." I frown, frustrated at myself. Of course it wasn't Newt's fault.

"I-im sorry." I sob. He shakes his head and opens his arms. I dive into them.

"It's okay love, you didn't know." I cry against his chest.

"Are you okay now? You need me to do anything?" He asks me.

"No, we're leaving today, I found the way out last night. I just hope Billy doesn't try anything else" I say.

"You found the way out? Well when are we leaving?" He asks me shocked.

"Mid-day, probably. We'll need to gather everyone in the glade."

"What if people don't want to leave?" He asks.

"Why wouldn't they want to? We've been trying to find a way out for years. Why? Do you no want to leave?" I ask him slowly.

"No! I'm super happy we're finally getting out of here" He confirms.

"Okay good. And I'm sure everyone will want to come anyway." Newt and I walk out of my hut holding hands. Teresa sees us and a look of fury crosses her face but she doesn't say anything, she only stomps away.

"I see you two have made up" Fry says walking up to us.

"Oh hey fry, yeah" I smile at Newt.

"Ugh good, I'm not sure if I'd be able to handle being friends with both of you and being on both of your sides" Minho says walking up to us with his hands on Thomas's shoulders and rocking him back and forth.

"You okay Thomas?" I grin. "Minho trying to give you a mild concussion?"

"Gosh I think that might be the case" Thomas jokingly admits.

"So what's the plan?" I ask them.

"Ummmm..one sec" Thomas holds up a finger to me.

"Everyone gather around!" He tells and everyone starts making their way here"

"That's your plan?" Newt asks.

"Yeah, it's a good plan"

"Oh yeah bloody foolproof" Newt retorts. I roll my eyes and put his arm over my shoulder. Billy comes and stands next to me. My body stiffens and Newt notices. He steps in front of me and I jump on his back and he walks us over to Thomas and Minho.

"Right now everyone is here, y/n will you do the honours?"

"Um...I found the way out when I was in the maze and we can leave now?" I say lightly. Most people cheer but a few people stay silent.

"No! No this is our home! The glade is our home!" Gally yells.

"Come with us, or don't, I don't care." I say.

"But you're supposed to care! We've been here for over 3 years!"

"Maybe if we just wait" I point at the sky. "A fuck will fall into my hand. And I can give it to you" I roll my eyes. "Come on guys we've got to get ready to leave." I tell everyone. People go back to their huts to grab their necessities.

"Wait..." I say.

"What is it love?" Newt asks me.

"I can't bring my guitar, it's too big to take" a year falls down my cheek and onto the floor.

"Oh, I'm sorry love, I'm sure you'll find another way to keep your mother close to you" the guitar was my mothers, WCKD sent us here with one thing that had sentimental value to us if there was something. My guitar was that.

"At least I can take Alby's jacket" I say looking for the good things. "And we're finally getting out of here... I'll miss it, not as much as I want to leave but I'll miss it" Newt grabs my hand and kisses it.

"I know what you mean, we basically grew up here, it wasn't the best but we're all attached to it in some way" I smile and nod.

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