5. Maze

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"Hey Thomas!" I say as Thomas walks up to me.

"Hey, y/n"

"Have you been assigned a job yet?" I ask him while restocking the med cupboards.

"No, I want to be a runner though, but they sent Alby in, instead of me."

"Eh you'll get there one day. Nobody really trusts you yet. Like no offense, I mean I don't trust anyone besides Minho, Jeff and Alby" I look around. "And Newt. And I've been here since day one. You just need to give them time and a reason to trust you." I explain to him.

"Yeah I guess so." He looks over at the maze.

"Do you think we're close to finding a way out?" He asks me. I pause what I'm doing and look up at him.

"I don't know. I guess we'll find out at some point, I mean whoever sent us here can't just keep us here forever" he crosses his arms and looks at me.

"How long have you been here?" He asks me. I look down and kick a piece of dried up mud.

"Since I was 12, and I'll be 16 in 13 days so about 3-4 years give or take."

"Wow, you were 12 when you got sent here? That must've been hard" I nod in agreement.

"Yup, now imagine a 12 year old girl getting sent here all alone and having to figure out how to survive on her own for a month before someone else finally arrived." He just looks at me. I don't look at him or I know my tears will fall. I get back to work to distract myself.

"Hey Zart, what happened now?" I ask Zart, the keeper of the gardeners as he walks into the med hut.

"I cut my finger on a rose thorn." He holds out his finger for me to examine. He nods at Thomas. Thomas smiles back.

"It's a deep cut, needs stitches. Do you want me to numb it or just do it so you can get back out there?" I ask him.

"I've hurt myself enough to have gotten used to stitches so just stitch me up." He tells me. I nod and walk over to the table with the stitching and needles. I grab a rubbing alcohol wipe and  quickly grab his finger and wipe it before he chickens out. That's usually when people chicken out when I have to clean it.


"Don't be so dramatic zaza" I finish cleaning the wound and start humming a song to distract him from the pain of the needle.

"What's that song you're humming?" He asks me. I stop stitching and look at him.

"It's called run boy run." I continue stitching.

"Sing it" I sigh. Why can't I just hum a song in peace.

"Fine. Run boy run! This world is not meant for you. Run boy run! They're trying to catch you. Run boy run! Running is a victory. Run boy run! Beauty lays behind the hills." I tap the melody of the next bit of the song with my foot. Thomas joins in tapping on the table.

"Run boy run! The sun will be guiding you. Run boy run! They're dying to catch you. Run boy run! This race is a prophecy. Run boy run! Break out from society."  Thomas and I tap the next bit as I finish of Zart's stitches.

"All good zaza!"

"Thanks y/n you're the best" he says turning away.

"I know." Thomas and I laugh.

*Time skip to when Minho usually comes out of the maze*

"There not out yet" I walk over and stand next to Thomas and Newt.

"Great observation y/n"

"Oh shut it Newt" I tell him. "I'm worried okay?" Newt nods.

"What if they don't make it back in time?" Thomas asks.

"They're gonna make it" Newt reassures no one in particular.

"What if they don't" Thomas asks again.

"They're gonna make it" Newt says more sternly. I really hope so. A few minutes go by and still nothing.

"LOOK!!" Chuck screams out. We all crowd by the door to see Minho attempting to carry Alby back. The doors start closing. Everyone starts yelling that they can make it. I make a split second decision. I start running through the doors, I'm not gonna let the last time I see my best friend be him trying his best but knowing he won't make it.

"Y/N NO!!" I hear people call out. Then I hear footsteps behind me and I make it out the other side. I turn to see Thomas has followed me.

"The fuck are you doing here kid, do you have a death wish!?" I yell at him.

"She's right, you just got yourself killed." Minho tells him.

"Not if I can help it. I've survived a night in the maze before I can do it again." I tell them. Minho looks at me and realises how bad I must be feeling right now. I've had nightmares about the maze since I was 12.

"You've been here before?" Thomas asks.

"Yes now we have to go. We have about 20 minutes till there are grievers crawling the maze searching for us." I kneel beside Alby.

"He got stung..." I point out.

"....yeah" Minho replies.

"What happened to his head?" Thomas looks at Minho then back at Alby's head.

"I did what I had to do"

"He's right Thomas. But we have to get him out of here. Can you guys manage to carry him for a bit?" The boys pick him up. I start walking and turn around the left corner.

"Here, the grievers don't waste time chatting, he needs a place to hide because we can't carry him forever." The boys place him down and we tie him to some vines and pull him in the air. We hear a griever approaching.

"Everyone be quiet. Minho I need you to run. Thomas hide in here I'll cover you in the vines if you keep holding onto the vine that's holding Alby." Thomas nods and I hide him as Minho runs off.

"Thomas as soon as it's gone you tie this vine onto something and you find Minho you understand?" He nods. "Good" I hear the mechanics of the griever. I need to distract it from Thomas and Alby. I whistle.

"HEY!! OVER HERE" I shout at it. It hears me.
"Fuck" I run as fast as I can around the corner as it chases me. I try to remember my hiding spot that I found when I was 12. I find the section but it's closed.

"Double fuck" I'm cornered into a section. I run at the griever and slide through its legs barely missing its stinger.

"Ummm" I look left and right. I see Minho and Thomas running. I run around in a circle and through the griever's legs to make it distraught. I follow the sound of the boys footsteps. I see them running to a section.

"Quick Thomas this section is closing!"

"What about y/n!?"

"She can handle herself, she's a big girl and I know she wants us to be safe, hurry up." Thomas hesitates before following into the section. He turns around when he gets to the other side.

"Y/N!!! HURRY GET IN HERE!" I look at him and back at the dizzy griever. I whistle at it and it shakes its head. It follows me. I run straight for the closing section. It's gonna be close but I can make it. I look back, the griever took the bait and it's following me. I reach out my hand at the end just as I'm about to be crushed and Thomas yanks me into the side.

"What the fuck?" I hear Minho say looking at the now crushed monster.

"Bitch you did it! I can't believe you just did that!" Minho yells at me. I just smile weakly and the world goes black.

The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now