Bonus Chapter 1. Processing

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This chapter is for @mygoodbones. They wanted to see Ahmed and Valentina processing their discovery of the supernatural. This scene takes place during the last part of For Centuries - Season 1.

"So," Valentina said, seated on a stool, her elbows resting on the counter, "our boss is an immortal."

Ahmed, standing across the bar, nodded, in a haze.

"And her boyfriend is a vampire," she added.

Ahmed kept on nodding and Valentina turned silent.

Suddenly his look refocused, and he turned around to grab a few bottles in the bar behind him. "I need a drink," he said. "You?"

"Yep. Bring it on."

Ahmed, with a sure hand, juggled the bottles and mixed one of his signature cocktails, while Valentina kept on talking, as if to no one in particular.

"I want a cigarette," she said. "That's strange. I've never smoked. But I don't know. I want to look as blasé as a character in these existential movies where people just talk and smoke. Like a Jarmusch, or la Nouvelle Vague, or whatever. Like, you can never die? Yeah, well, life has no meaning, so who cares?"

"Huh?" Ahmed asked, pushing an exuberant multicolor cocktail with a straw in front of Valentina. "What did you say?"

"Nothing. Forget it," Valentina sighed, taking a sip of her beverage. She gasped. "That's so good. Oh my god. You're a genius."

Ahmed blushed and hid behind his own glass. "Do you think there are werewolves too?" He asked.

Valentina froze and narrowed her eyes. "She didn't talk about that, right? But maybe. Oh wow. There could be werewolves."


"Mermaids!" Valentina said, her eyes widening.

Ahmed nodded while drinking his cocktail. "We should have known, though," he said. "Like they... they are so impressive. I can definitely see Aidan doing Tai Chi moves, shirtless in a manor."

Valentina snorted. "I'm sure you can."

"That's not what I meant," he mumbled sheepishly.

Valentina's face became serious all of a sudden, and she pushed her glass away.

"I suppose we should be scared, right?" she said. "But I'm not. I'm just... excited."

"It's Elise. She's so serene. She told us it was okay, and well, I just believed her."

"Exactly." Valentina nodded. "Is it a cult or something?"

"Well, if it is, it's the fluffiest cult ever."

Valentina laughed. "We chose the right club, my friend. It's going to be epic. I know it!"

Ahmed raised his glass. "Cheers to that."

And they fell back in their thoughts, each one in its specific reverie, looking nowhere in particular and occasionally nodding in silence to an idea popping in their mind between two sips of their cocktail.

And they fell back in their thoughts, each one in its specific reverie, looking nowhere in particular and occasionally nodding in silence to an idea popping in their mind between two sips of their cocktail

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