Chapter 11

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Noah and Miles strode into the bustling party with a shared sense of urgency. Their steps were synchronized, not in rhythm with the music and laughter that enveloped the venue, but with their mission to find Wei amidst the chaotic scene.

The pulsating beats of music throbbed through the air, creating a frenetic atmosphere. Lights of every hue danced across the room, casting an intoxicating glow on the partygoers. But Noah and Miles weren't here to join in the revelry.

Wei had defied their wishes, showing up at the party despite being explicitly told to stay home. They knew this was a critical moment to intervene, to protect him from the temptations and dangers that surrounded him.

With determination etched on their faces, they began scouring the crowd, searching for any sign of Wei's presence.

"Do you see him?" Miles asked, shoving through sweaty bodies.

Noah shook his head. "No," he said. "But he has to be here somewhere."

They continued to search, their hearts pounding in their chests. They knew that they had to find Wei soon, before it was too late.

The pulsating lights and thumping music seemed to conspire against them, making it challenging to spot Wei amidst the sea of people. Time felt like it was slipping away, and with each passing moment, their worry deepened.

"I can't find him!" Noah started hyperventilating in the poorly ventilated place.

Miles grabbed Noah's arm, steadying him as they navigated the chaotic party scene. "Take a deep breath," he urged. "Panicking won't help Wei right now."

Noah inhaled shakily, trying to regain control of his racing heart. "I just... I can't lose him again," he confessed, his voice filled with fear and desperation.

Miles squeezed Noah's shoulder reassuringly. "We won't. We'll find him, and we'll get through this together. Let's keep looking."

One of the party attendees, a young woman with vibrant blue hair, shrugged casually. "I think I saw him heading upstairs to the bathroom a while ago," she said, her words slightly slurred.

Noah and Miles continued their frantic search through the party, approaching various partygoers in their quest to find Wei.

"Excuse me, have you seen a guy named Wei?" Miles asked a group of revelers.

One of them, a young woman with colorful hair, shook her head. "Dunno who that is."

"He's short, with black hair and glasses," Noah added.

The young woman shrugged. "I'm sorry, I haven't seen him."

Noah and Miles thanked the young woman and moved on. They searched for hours, but they couldn't find Wei anywhere. They were starting to get worried.

"What are we going to do?" Noah asked.

"I don't know," Miles said. "But we're not going to leave until we find him."

Finally, a guy with a neon-green Mohawk pointed upstairs. "I think I saw someone who fits that description head into the bathroom upstairs a while ago," he said.

Noah and Miles rushed upstairs, their hearts pounding in their chests. They reached the bathroom and found the door ajar. They exchanged a worried glance and then burst inside.

Wei slumped against the wall, his face pale and his breathing shallow. His eyes were closed, and he was unresponsive.

"Wei!" Miles exclaimed, his voice filled with panic.

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