Chapter 2

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"Wei, come on, you need to help me," Luca claimed, shaking him back and forth.

"No, lemme finish this game," Wei whined as he tried moving his body to shake Luca off of him. His eyes glued to the screen as he maneuvered his character to fend off his virtual enemy.

With a determined grin, Luca leaned even closer to Wei and covered Wei's eyes, blocking his view. The sudden loss of visibility sent Wei's character into a tailspin, and he let out an exasperated yelp.

"Luca, you little...!" Wei's protest trailed off into a laugh as he tried to pry Luca's hands away from his eyes. It was a futile attempt as Luca's grip remained firm.

"Give it up, Wei," Luca teased. "This is way more important than your video game."

With a dramatic sigh, Wei finally conceded defeat. He set aside the controller, turning his attention to Luca. "Alright, alright, you win. What's this urgent mission of ours?"

Luca released his grip on Wei's eyes and sat back with a triumphant grin. "Finally, I thought I'd have to resort to more drastic measures."

"Okay, spill it. What's so important that you had to interrupt my gaming?" Wei chuckled, his playful annoyance giving way to curiosity.

"College applications," Luca stated as he waved his phone.

"College applications?" Wei raised an eyebrow, a hint of surprise in his expression. "Isn't it a bit too early?"

Luca leaned in closer, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret. "Not really. Early submission is close by and you know how competitive it is out there. Plus, my parents have been on my case about it."

Wei nodded in understanding. "Fair enough. So, what's the plan?"

With a mischievous grin, Luca handed Wei his phone. "I've found the perfect college for us, Wei. It's got everything we've ever dreamed of—great programs, a beautiful campus, and even a renowned video game club. I mean, we could both get in, right?"

Wei scrolled through the page, his eyes scanning the details of the college Luca had suggested. As he read about the renowned programs and the vibrant campus life, a smile crept across his face.

"You know, this place does sound pretty amazing," Wei admitted, still scrolling through the information. "And if they have a video game club, that's a definite bonus."

Luca chuckled, clearly pleased with Wei's response. "Right? I knew you'd be on board. Plus, imagine all the new games we could try if we're part of that club."

Wei nodded, his excitement growing. "Yeah, and we could even compete in local gaming tournaments together. It sounds like a blast."

As Wei and Luca delved deeper into their shared vision of college life, their enthusiasm was infectious. The more they talked about the possibilities and adventures that awaited them, the more excited they became.

"Imagine us rooming together," Wei mused, a playful grin on his face. "Late-night gaming sessions and pizza parties every weekend."

Luca laughed, nodding in agreement. "That sounds like the dream. And we'd be unstoppable in any video game tournament. No one could defeat us."

Their laughter filled the room as they allowed their imaginations to run wild. It was a moment of pure friendship and boundless optimism, a snapshot of their high school days when they believed that anything was possible.

But as the night wore on and their conversation gradually shifted to more serious topics like scholarships and deadlines, they couldn't ignore the reality of the future looming ahead. College was just around the corner, and with it came the uncertainty of what lay beyond.

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