Chapter 5

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Luca walked into the crowded club, his heart pounding in his chest. He had been searching for Wei for hours, and he was starting to get worried. He had heard rumors that Wei had come to the club with his new friends, and that he had been drinking heavily.

Luca looked around the club, feeling out of place. He had never been to a place like this before, and he didn't know anyone.

"Excuse me!" Luca yelled as the music was a bit too loud.

"Do you know Wei?" Some people looked up at him. They all had the same blank expression on their faces.

"Wei?" one of them said.

"No, I don't know Wei."

Luca scanned the crowd, searching for Wei's familiar face. He finally spotted him in a corner booth, surrounded by a group of people. Wei was laughing and talking loudly, but Luca could see the sadness in his eyes.

Luca made his way over to the booth. "Wei," he said softly.

Wei looked up at him, his eyes widening in surprise. "Luca? What are you doing here?"

"I came to find you," Luca said. "I was worried about you."

Wei shrugged. "I'm fine," he said. "Just having a good time."

Luca looked at Wei's friends. They were all staring at him with suspicion.

"Can I talk to you alone?" Luca asked Wei.

Wei hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Sure."

Luca and Wei stood up and walked out of the booth. They found a quiet spot in the hallway.

"What the hell, Wei?" Luca asked, his frustration and concern evident. "Why are you doing this?"

Wei's jaw tightened, and he turned away for a moment, his hands clenched into fists. "Why do you care, Luca? This is none of your business."

Luca's eyes were filled with frustration as he retorted, "None of my business? Wei, you're my business. You didn't attend class today! Or yesterday! Or the rest of the week! I don't get a hi from you or a goodnight anymore. You're my boyfriend! Am I not allowed to care about my boyfriend?"

Wei's shoulders tensed at Luca's words, and for a moment, he looked conflicted. His friends had stayed behind in the booth, leaving Luca and Wei in the dimly lit hallway.

Wei took a step back, his gaze cold. "I don't need you caring about me. I don't need anything from you."

Luca felt a mix of frustration and sadness wash over him. "Fine, Wei. If that's what you want, then so be it."

With those words, Luca turned and walked away, leaving Wei alone in the hallway.

"This is amazing," Luca cried in awe as he gazed out at the track.

The vibrant colors of the racing machines, the deafening roar of engines, and the palpable energy in the air had left him utterly mesmerized. It was a moment he had longed for, and now, standing there, he couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement coursing through his veins.

"I know, right?" Luca's friend, Kofi, chimed in as he approached from behind, clad in a sleek race suit.

Luca turned to his friend with a grin, sharing the excitement that had been building within him. Kofi's race suit looked like something out of a high-speed sci-fi movie, and it added an extra layer of anticipation to the already electric atmosphere of the racetrack.

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