Follow-up: 3

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Five years have passed since Miao Zhen and Shengshan got back together. During these five years, Miao Zhen protected the royal family and tried to help them regain their territory.

Wherever Miao Zhen goes, Shengshan goes.

At this time, the imperial court had long existed in name only, and Miao Zhen led the martial arts people to submit to the imperial court. He became a counselor under the general and accompanied the army on expeditions south and north in an attempt to quell the troubled times.

The court was afraid of him and did not dare to give him power. But for Miao Zhen, as long as the world is peaceful, he will happily accept any status assigned to him.

Originally, Shengshan also had the ability to govern the country, but he was a god. The God of Creation could not interfere too much with the direction of the world, and he was really reluctant to leave Miao Zhen to stand alone in troubled times, so he became Miao Zhen's personal bodyguard and only obeyed his orders.

The two of them are inseparable. When you see one of them, you know that the other one must be nearby.

At the time of autumn harvest, the counselor in the border town died of illness and the interior was empty. Miao Zhen was dispatched to the border town to take charge.

Miao Zhen became famous in the world in his early years. He was both the abbot of Shaolin and the leader of the martial arts alliance. After becoming a strategist, he has always been by the general's side and has gained a reputation for being highly regarded.

After receiving his letter, General Xu, who was stationed in the border town, went out to greet him personally.

Seeing General Xu, Miao Zhen got off his horse and prepared to salute. As soon as he bent down, General Xu quickly held his arm and said enthusiastically: "Mr. Miao is not so polite. Please follow me into the city. A banquet has been prepared in the city to welcome you."

Miao Zhen didn't know how he got the title Mr. Miao. He was a monk, and at first these people called him by his dharma name.

Later, he and Shengshan got back together, and the two got together without shame. I did everything I should do and shouldn't do. Miao Zhen was embarrassed to become a monk again, so he grew his hair longer little by little.

Not long after he returned to secular life, the title Mr. Miao appeared.

General Xu has no beard and is young. He looks about 25 or 26 years old, much younger than Miao Zhen. The border defense had no advisers, so General Xu valued Miao Zhen very much.

He was impatient and careless, so he took Miao Zhen's hand and walked towards the city.

Shengshan followed behind with a dark face, feeling sour in his heart. Staring straight at General Xu's hand, he wanted to chop it off.

After the dinner, we finished dealing with General Xu. When he revealed that he wanted to talk about his close colleagues all night long, Miao Zhen made an excuse and ran away.

Shengshan followed him silently like a shadow. When he returned to the bedroom, he suddenly picked Miao Zhen up and put him on the bed.

He took off his black cloak, with a sour smell, and said in a cold voice: "That General Xu has no good intentions and uses his hands and feet. He is not a good person at first glance. Let's stay away from him to prevent him from biting."

There was hot water already prepared in the room. Miao Zhen took off his clothes and entered the barrel. He moved to the side and motioned for Shengshan to come in and wash together.

Originally he was just doing it for convenience, but when Shengshan heard his words, his eyes instantly turned green. Even the atmosphere in the room became a little weird.

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