Chapter 001

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Beneath the surface lies a cohort of individuals burdened with concealed secrets, solemnly committed to carrying them to their final place of rest; however, there exist those who have summoned the courage to voice their thoughts, boldly articulating their true emotions without hesitation, regardless of the potential consequences.

These hidden truths often revolve around harboring intense affection for individuals deemed off-limits. These individuals, if their genuine sentiments were exposed, would undoubtedly be condemned and abhorred by society.

The experience of loving something unattainable is undoubtedly painful, yearning for that which cannot be obtained. Once a secret is revealed, its clandestine nature dissipates; however, when kept buried, concealed, and pondered upon, it transforms into an addiction.

Perhaps the most distressing scenario is finding oneself trapped in a predicament where the heart craves something unattainable, sparking an internal conflict between one's rationality and emotions.

During such moments, one is compelled to question the reasons behind these circumstances and the justification for enduring such torment. Answers elude them, yet they are perpetually haunted by the weight of these emotions.

If you have ever experienced forbidden desires towards someone or something, you will intimately understand the overwhelming discomfort that arises, fully aware that obtaining what you yearn for is an impossible dream. It feels tantalizingly close, yet frustratingly out of reach.

Nothing exudes allure or becomes addictive unless willingly allowed to invade one's thoughts, replaying numerous scenarios in the mind. Temptation and cravings only possess power when they align with one's own desires.

As many profess, forbidden cravings are undeniably tempting. Nonetheless, deep down, we all recognize that they defy what is natural and just. Sometimes, they are the very things worth craving and pursuing.

Secrecy carries an element of thrill, an undeniable allure, injecting a certain vigor into our lives like a potent drug, drawing us in and infusing our otherwise mundane existences with excitement.

Tristan Faughn has successfully managed to repress the thoughts that have caused him restless nights, opting to keep this secret buried for the entirety of his life. Throughout the years, his burning desire for his closest friend has transformed into an addiction, constantly urging him to defy any potential consequences and divulge his true feelings.

In spite of their physical proximity and the intimacy they share, encompassing intense gazes, laughter, uncomfortable smirks, and enjoyable moments, Tristan experiences an immense emotional gap separating him from Roth. Questioning his readiness to confront the consequences of revealing his true feelings, and unsure of the potential repercussions on their lives, Tristan resolves to keep this undisclosed truth hidden.

Unquestionably, this is the optimal decision for their individual well-being, their deeply bonded friendship, and, above all, for Roth's benefit, exclusively Roth's.
Holding a small mug in his grasp, Tristan brings it towards his mouth and takes a swift sip of the sweetened coffee. Simultaneously, he observes Roth engrossed in reading a news article, which Tristan suspects may be centered on Roth himself.

In a rare instance unknown to Roth, Tristan seized the opportunity to observe him. There was no denying that he was the most attractive man Tristan had ever laid eyes upon. Roth epitomized a seductive and commanding presence that entranced Tristan and held him captive.

From the way his brow furrowed to the tightening of his jaw, the disheveled yet effortlessly stylish dark hair that exuded a nostalgic crush-like aura, the elegance and grace with which he held the magazine in his perfect hands, reminiscent of a dominant ruler, to his flawless nose and the twinkle in his eyes as he chuckled – Tristan was certain that Roth was divinely curated to meet God's utmost satisfaction.

FORBIDDEN CRAVINGS [ Your BestFriend Should Not Crave To Taste You]Where stories live. Discover now