((Starlight)) Imogen x Garrick Oneshot

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Between moving out of Basgaith, the war, helping to imbue the wardstone, helping Violet train Sloane Mairi, and so much more, I hadn't had much time to think about anything. Let alone think about my love-life with Garrick.

It had been months since we'd last even spoken. Come to think of it, where was Garrick? I hadn't seen him in what seemed like ages. Ever since we'd moved to the Riorson House, it felt like he'd disappeared off the face of the planet.

I was tired, and weary from barely escaping the battle in Navarre alive. (This takes place after the final battle at the end of Iron Flame). My arms were aching, and while the cut on the side of my face had finally begun to heal, it was far from perfect.

I felt vulnerable, and certainly didn't want to be seen in this state. Especially not by Garrick. So, you can imagine my surprise when I rounded the corner and came face-to face with him. The worst part was that he looked like he always did. Fucking hot.

"Hey," I replied rather nonchalantly, "You got your ears pierced?"

"Just the left one," He grinned. "Yesterday, I'm surprised you noticed. I feel like we hardly

see each other anymore."

"Yeah," I agreed. "It's been a while."

As I stood there, trying to process Garrick's sudden appearance and his familiar charm, a mix of emotions surged within me. Despite the exhaustion and the chaos that seemed to define our lives lately, there was a flicker of something stirring inside me at the sight of him. Maybe it was relief or maybe it was something more complicated, buried beneath layers of duty and uncertainty.

A soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips, "You look good, Imogen."

"Lies, utter lies," I joked. "I'm headed to the canteen, you coming?"

He shrugged, "Already ate." He turned swiftly, "See ya."

"See you," I said brightly, but he didn't turn around. It shouldn't have stung as much as it did. And now I was frustrated, because going to the canteen meant I had to watch Violet and Xaden practically spoon-feed each other.

(Big spoiler in the next sentence btw)

After breakfast and cringing at the fearless leader Venin and his girlfriend, I headed to the showers, took a long one, and sighed. The pink dye was beginning to fade from my hair, leaving the bleached underneath a hideous yellow.

I dried off, and put on my riding leathers, finally going to the flight field. A good flight would clear my head of the constant turmoil.

As I made my way to the flight field, the familiar rush of adrenaline began to replace the heaviness in my chest. The rhythmic beat of wings against the wind and the freedom of soaring through the sky offered a temporary escape from the tangled web of emotions that had ensnared me since Garrick's unexpected encounter. With each graceful maneuver, I found solace in the simplicity of flight, the wind whispering secrets of distant lands and forgotten dreams. Amidst the chaos of war and the complexities of love, the boundless expanse of the sky offered a sanctuary where I could be free, if only for a fleeting moment.

But of course, it was interrupted by the bellow of a fellow dragon. I watched as Chradh came up behind me and my dragon, Glane. Garrick placed two fingers to his temple and saluted playfully, and I returned the gesture. It was perfect, we were flying together in the misty afternoon air, it was lovely. It was kind of romantic.

Until the rest of the boys showed up.

Bodhi and Ridoc, who'd become friends after saving each other in the recent battle, came whooping and screaming like idiots. I didn't mind watching riders let go after once and a while, but could their timing be any worse?

"HEY GUYS!" Garrick shouted, "I found Imogen! We should race her to the eastern mountain!" Racing to the eastern mountain was just about the last thing I wanted to do. But, I was never about to back down from a challenge.

As Garrick's playful challenge echoed through the air, a mix of annoyance and amusement flickered within me. Despite the interruption to my peaceful flight, there was a certain thrill in the prospect of racing against him, a familiar spark of competition that always seemed to ignite between us. With a wry smile, I glanced at Glane, my dragon companion, silently communicating our readiness to accept the challenge. As Bodhi and Ridoc joined in with their own boisterous enthusiasm, the once serene atmosphere of the flight field transformed into a battleground of laughter and camaraderie.

Ridoc and Bodhi split from me and Garrick, but to my relief, and took an alternative route. The dragons flapped their wings steadily, and Glane began to pull away from Garrick and Chradh. I grinned with anticipation, but much to my dismay he took a banking turn and began to pull ahead.

"Hey- wait up!" I shouted, and from that point on all went black.

I woke up in the infirmary, and groaned with pain.

"What the hell happened?"

"Your battle wounded seemed to have knocked you out," A nurse said, "But the good news is that your dragon brought you here. Garrick admitted you in, I was told to tell him when you woke up."

Great, just great. I must've looked like a complete fool.

As I lay there in the infirmary, trying to piece together the events that led to my unexpected collapse, a wave of embarrassment washed over me. The throbbing ache in my limbs served as a harsh reminder of my own vulnerability, a stark contrast to the fierce determination that had fueled my pursuit of victory moments before. With a sigh, I glanced around the sterile confines of the infirmary, feeling a mix of frustration and gratitude at the sight of familiar faces and concerned whispers. Despite the embarrassment of my sudden defeat, there was a certain comfort in knowing that I was surrounded by friends who cared for my well-being.

Garrick entered the room, "I was wondering when you'd wake up. How are you feeling?"

"Fine, thanks to the menders."

"Since you're better now, wanna head up to the rooftop with me later on?" The question was unexpected, but comforting.

"Sure, that'd be swell."

A few more hours passed, and I had been passing the time getting ready in my room. I still wore riders black, of course, but I dressed-up my uniform to look a little better. I redyed my hair to a brighter pink, and chopped the bangs so they weren't getting in the way anymore. My face was healed, and I looked like the first day I'd been dropped off at Basith war college.

As I made my way to the rooftop, anticipation fluttered in my chest at the prospect of spending time alone with Garrick. The cool evening breeze ruffled my newly dyed pink hair, the vibrant color serving as a symbol of renewal amidst the chaos of war. With each step, I felt a sense of liberation, shedding the weight of past worries and embracing the promise of a fresh start. As I reached the rooftop, Garrick was already there, leaning against the railing with a smile that lit up his features.

"You look amazing," he said, his eyes lingering on the hem I'd stitched to the uniform. It almost looked like a dress, but had all the practicality of a uniform still.

"Thanks," I replied, feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks at his compliment. "You don't look too bad yourself."

We settled into an easy silence and in that moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of us and the quiet reassurance of each other's presence. As we talked and laughed, the weight of the past months lifted from my shoulders, replaced by a sense of hope and possibility for the future. In Garrick's company, I found solace and strength, a reminder that even amidst the chaos of war, love still had the power to endure. And as we watched the stars begin to emerge in the darkening sky, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, hand in hand. Friends, or perhaps something more.


1360 Words! Woooo! I hope you enjoyed this one-shot. I feel like unlike some other riders Imogen and Garrick would take it a lot slower, what with their past and what not. I hope you enjoyed this lol. <3

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