Part 28: The Album Reveal

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A/N obviously I started this project before Billies album so the time line is just shifted 🤍

I wake up in pain, who would've known a whole spine tattoo would hurt so bad. When I roll over I see Billie isn't next to me but when I sit up I see her sat in front of her mirror applying skin care.

"Goodmorning baby" she says smiling at me in the reflection

"Morning" I say my voice laced with sleep

"You ok?" She says

"Back hurts" I grumble

"Let me help you" she says, grabbing some of her old tattoo balm and coming over to the bed. "Roll onto your front" she commands

Of course I follow her instructions and she straddles my thighs, lifting my T-shirt up. She peels the dressing off my back and gently applies the balm to my tattoo which instantly cools it relieving the pain. This type of intimacy is my favourite, don't get me wrong the sex is great but this is love.

She leans down and whispers in my ear "better?"

I hum in response and connect our lips.

"I have something even better" she says as I turn beneath her so she's straddling my waist. My hands naturally fall to her hips

"What could be better than this?" I say

"I'm going to show you my album today" she smiles

"No fucking way" I say sitting up

"Yes it's finally finished" she says "I'm going to release it in a month"

"No singles or anything?" I ask tilting my head


I grip underneath her and stand up, she wraps her legs around me as I spin us around. She lets out the most adorable laugh as I put her down.

"Lets get ready quick" I say

"We? I'm already up baby" she says I look her up and down

"Oh" I grab clothes from my bag and change my bottom half throwing black joggers on. As I take my shirt off slowly dragging it over my head, I see a flash. Turning around I see Billie on her phone.

"What was that?" I say

"I got hugeee crush on you girl" she says

I laugh "Did I at least look good"

"You always look hot mama, your back muscles are sexy" she says eying me up "can you put clothes on so we can actually make it to the studio"

"Keep it in your pants O'Connell" I say as I put a loose T-shirt on.

We grab shark and head over to her parents house to meet up with Finneas. On the way we pick up some breakfast and caffeine.

"Hey family" Billie says as she walks through her parents door, placing the food and drink on the table

"how are you both" Patrick says

"Good thank you, I'm showing Y/N the album" Billie says

"Any heads up?" I say to Patrick

"This one's a little different and I have a feeling some of them are about you" He says as Maggie appears round the corner

"Hey kids" She says making my heart flutter, we've really become close.

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishWhere stories live. Discover now