Part 6: The First Date

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After Emma dropped me home, I stumble through the door. My hand gets increasing more painful as the bruises set in, so I grab a bag of frozen peas and head up to bed. Throwing my clothes across my bedroom I grab an old tshirt and get into bed, after chugging the water beside my bed not caring how old it is. I reach for the charger and plug my phone in remembering to text Billie.

Just got into bed hope you
get home safe text me
when you do 🤍
1:04 am

Swiping off that I decide to text the groupchat with Emma and Mia

Girls on tour 🥰

Thanks for driving Emma and
thanks for the advice Mia.
Love you both! xx
1:05 am

Satisfied with my texts I lock my phone and instantly fall asleep thinking of my kiss with Billie.

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, it's Grayson, I yawn and pick up.

"Good morning Mike Tyson, can you come into the studio today" he asks

"Of course I can, what time do I need to be there" my voice is scratchy

"Considering you sound like you've only just woke up and it's almost lunch I'm just gonna say come in whenever" Grayson jokes before saying goodbye and hanging up.

Unlocking my phone properly I see texts from the girls both saying you're welcome and sending their love. I click on Billies chat to see two messages

Heyyyy just got home,
Zoe came to pick me up
I enjoyed last night ☺️
1:40 am

Goodmorning saviour
Hope you're ok.
11:19 am

Good afternoon Billie, I'm ok
My lips fine but my knuckles
are not . Think it makes me
look tough. Are you ok?
11:41 am

You are tough 😭I'm ok I was
a little shaken yesterday
but I'm fine today
11:50 am

I'd like to make it up to you if that's ok.
Whenever you're free
11:53 am

I've got plans and work today
and tomorrow but Tuesday
works for me 🤍
11:54 am

My heart flutters for the millionth time for this girl. I lock my phone and get ready for the day throwing on some clothes and heading to Graysons.

The day drags but we managed to get three songs done in 10 hours: Sweet (originally cigarettes after sex), Not strong enough (originally boy genius) and Awkward (orginally SZA). Hearing the boys write about their girlfriends makes my heart warm. It's adorable. I of course spearheaded the writing for awkward after last night but Graysons mind and song writing always amazes me. We all decide to meet up tomorrow. If we want to get this album out as soon as possible we have to work for it.

The next day comes and goes the same except we only managed to get one song out: The Sound (originally 1975). I like how the albums coming along, it captures all our individual journeys and also gives all types of fans something to relate to. We also filmed a bunch of content and did an Instagram live as requested by management but it ended up being a lot of fun.

Waking up I realise it's Tuesday, I've spent day and night in the studio and I completely forgot I was meeting Billie today so I've made no plans. Quickly I call up one of my first friends I made out here: Isabel, she works at an aquarium downtown.

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishWhere stories live. Discover now