Chapter 31.

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Amari K

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Amari K. Sanders

Third person pov:

The next couple days were good. Paige and Amari were always together. Stuck like glue. If you thought they were always together before it was definitely much much worse now.

"Hey there's a party in like an hour and a half  wanna go?" Asked Paige.

"Yeah of course. Lemme go get ready. Ima gonna see you in a lil bit" The truth was Amari didn't really wanna go. She was a little nervous to go the party. The last she had been to was the one where he brother had got shot. She made sure she was going to pray before she left. Not only for her but for everyone.

"Why can't you get ready here?"

"My makeup's not here"

"You don't need makeup, who you trying to impress?"

Amari gave Paige a stern look.

"You know the only person I'm trying to impress is you"

"I guess you can leave me to die so you can go get ready"

"Stop being dramatic"

Paige was pretending to be mad.


No response.

"Don't make me repeat myself lil guh" Amari said through angry white mom lips.

Paige turned her head so Amari couldn't see her laughing.

"Paige Madison Bueckers Ima whip you"

Paige looked at the girl with a pout on her face.

"Awww my poor baby gimme kiss" she said as she grabbed the blondes face and pulled her in.
When they pulled apart Paige had a smile on her face.

"There you go" Amari smiled.  "Okay now I'm leaving"

"I love you" said Paige.

"I love you more" said Amari as she walked out the door.

About an hour later Amari returned to Paige's dorm with Imani ready to go.

"You like nice" said Paige giving her a quick kiss.

"You look even better" responded Amari.

"Ouuu look my fine ass mommas" said Ice.

The couple laughed at this. When the group of girls were ready to go.

They girls arrived at the party and it was lit. It was a house party. The lighting was purple. There was banners and red cups everywhere. Freak Hoe by Speaker Knockers was playing. There's chatter and laughter in the air. Girls were shaking ass, a big group of people dancing, and there was a strong scent of alcohol and weed. Because of this Amari made sure to stay close to Paige. But little did they know someone was hiding in the shadows. The night was going good. Amari was grinding on Paige. The alcohol was definitely kicking in. Paige wrapped her arms around Amari's waist and pulled her in as close as possible.

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