Chapter 21.

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Amari K

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Amari K. Sanders

Third perosn pov:

"Mom I don't see what the problem is." Amari said into her phone slightly annoyed.

"The problem is your brother is getting married to a man!" Her mother Sandra yelled.

Amari pulled the phone away from her ear hissing. She thought it was crazy that her mom still be incredibly loud even over the phone.

"It's his life. Let him be."

"No! No absolutely not! This is not okay. I don't see how you are okay with this. I might as well not got to the wedding."

"Calm down mother. You are overreacting. What does dad think about this?"

"Don't tell me to "calm down" little girl!  I am not overreacting."

Amari rolled her eyes. She was grown, but yet here she was still being called a "little girl".

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Your father is being ridiculous. He said that it shouldn't matter and we should support Travon no matter what. Bullshit if you ask me! The fact that Travon even acknowledging that he's gay is disgusting. Boys should be with girls and girls should be with boys. That's it end of discussion."

Amari just sighed. She was beginning to feel overwhelmed. She loved Travon. He was her favorite brother even though she wouldn't admit it out loud. She couldn't stand to her their mother talk down on him like this. And on top of it all she was gay too.

"Mom just rethink this when you're in the right state of mind. You love Tray. He's your son. But anyways I have to go I have class."

"Okay bye honey love you."

"Love you momma."

Amari hung up the phone. She had just lied. She didn't have class today due to the weather. It was snowing. She laid back on her bed and huffed. Why is her mother like that? She wondered. It was just her and her thoughts. Imani went to visit her sister and got stuck in the snowstorm and decided to stay with her. Amari's mind started to wonder to Paige. Paige wasn't part of the plan. Amari was supposed to graduate, be one of the best athletes and one day settled down and start a family. Well that was according to her mother. Her mother had planned out her life since she was born. Not that Amari didn't agree with her it was just that what happens with Paige. Was Paige a one time things? Or could they go on to be more? How would her mother react? What would she think? Amari always wanted her mother's validation. But even more she wanted her father's. Her father was a kind man. But was always silenced by her mother. Amari's eyes started to water as her thoughts got darker.

Knock knock

Who could be at the door? Amari questioned. She wiped her tears away and started to walk towards the door. She looked into the peep hole and saw Paige. She opened the door. Paige had a smile on her face until she noticed the tear stains in the corner of Amari's eyes and how her nose was pink.

"Hey baby what's wrong?" Paige asked in a worried tone.

"Nothing" Amari said smiling trying to show the girl she was okay.

Paige didn't say anything she just engulfed the girl in a bear hug. Amari was caught off guard by this but slowly melted into the girls arms. Paige started rocking them whispering comforting things in Amari's ear. Amari started to cry once again. Paige only hugged her tighter. Amari pulled away and opened the door wider signaling Paige to come in. Paige moved out of the way stuffing her hands in her pockets. Amari closed the door and looked at Paige.

"Do you wanna tell me what's wrong now?" Asked Paige.

"It's- it's my mother."

"What did she do?" Asked Paige pulling Amari down onto the couch.

Amari started to explain the conversation she had with her mother. Even though the tv was on playing one of Paige's favorite shows she still hung on to every word Amari said. Taking it all in and just simply listening. Amari was basically just ranting at this point. But Paige still sat there not looking away from the girl and not letting her mind wander off to anything else except to what was happening in the moment. Once Amari felt like she had let it all out she looked at Paige waiting for her to say something.

"Amari you are one of the most brilliant, talented, gorgeous, and one of the most extraordinary person I've ever met. You are truly a treasure. Plus you are funny and kind. You make everyone around you feel safe and special. Not many people can do that. I cherish you. No one should ever bring you down or make you question if you are not good enough. Not even your own mother. She's blessed to have you. Gay or not."

Paige's word only made Amari's heart fill with love. Amari's eyes started to water and she jumped onto the blonde hugging her and leaving kisses all over her face. Paige started to giggle at the girls reaction.

"Paige you don't know how much I need that. Thank you."

"You're welcome. If you ever need anything or need someone to talk to I'm always here for you ma."

Amari hummed feelings sleepiness wash over her. She buried her head into Paige's chest. Listening to her heartbeat. Not long after she fell asleep. Paige looked down hearing light snores. She smiled to herself.

They were gonna be alright as long as they had each other.

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