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God, it's finally the weekend. I can finally rest, but I hear training is shouting for me. Lorenzi was hopping in the shower while I wait for him. In the meantime, I received 9 missed calls and 18 unread messages from my mother asking why haven't I showed up at the dinner last night. It's 9 in the fucking morning. I'm not dealing shit with my mother. I just want to pop another bottle of champagne again. I got off the bed and grabbed the towel Lorenzi placed on the chair in front of the bed. "Dude the water is extra cold because of the rain, so don't complain." Lorenzi coming out from the bathroom, drying off his wet hair with his other small towel. "I won't mind. I needed a cold shower." I stood up, charging my phone because this little thing is going to fucking die on me when I'm going out soon.

"I won't understand why you have an enormous bathroom." I said, putting on my shirt and drying off the towel to the place where he left the towel for me before this. "Don't question it. You have a vast house too you know."

"Shut it. Let's go before coach would nag at us."

"But we haven't ate breakfast and I'm starving!" This guy is always busy with foods and still be fit. I wonder what is his technique on that when he doesnt go to the gym, he would be on his phone and lay on the coach for the whole day. "We can get breakfast near the restaurant we usually eat for lunch." I said to Lorenzi, picking up my phone which is now still considered alive, taking my badminton bag and some other stuff. Rochell would be there too. I think. Hopefully. I have so many questions to ask her. Not personally and not in a stalker way. "Your driving. I'm beat after last night god damn it." I looked at him like it's his fault but it's actually mine because I forced him to open another bottle of champagne for no exact reason. He then nods and took his car keys and we're out of the house heading to the badminton court.

"Should we go put our stuff or leave it in the car?" Lorenzi parking his car and he was asking me something when I was zoning out about how should I ask Rochell the questions I want her to know. "Huh? Oh. We can bring it together with us so it'll be more easier for us." Taking off my seatbelt, waiting for him to unlock the door. Walking towards to the restaurant Lorenzi patted my shoulder very rough as if he's trying to alert me something. "Dude look it's Janett near the cashier." I looked towards the cashier and it is actually her. If Janett's here that means Rochell might be somewhere too. I looked around the tables but I don't see her. I was disappointed to not find her but she would probably be at the court right now waiting for Janett since she's here. "Let's seat here and quickly eat." Lorenzi was zoning out looking up and down at Janett. "Stop looking at her!" I slapped him on the back to get his attention to reality, he looked away to stare at me and said "She saw me. I mean us not me only, but us." Stuttering and trying to act everything is cool while walking to a table then placing our stuff down, going thru his phone. "Are you planning to talk stuff out to Rochell?" Lorenzi then looking at me turning this conversation serious. "Well I am but, I don't know how to talk it out you know?" A waitress cut us, coming over to our table to take our orders. "Wait, Florence? What are you doing here?" Lorenzi said to the waitress. How many girls does this one guy know? "Ezzy! I need money aye." The waiter replied with a huge smile. She has a dark ocean blue eye, glossy blonde hair that is tied as a bun. Honestly would be Lorenzi's type of girl to go out with. "Oh Elijah meet my cousin Florence!" Oh, I take it back then. Never judge a book by it's cover I guess. Lesson learned. "Nice to meet you, I'm Elijah." I smilled waiting for her to actually taking our orders instead of chit chatting because we might be late at this point. "Right anyway, what can I get you both?" My god finally. "2 coffee's to go please." Lorenzi smiled, ready to take his money out from his pocket. "To go? Oh come on I was about to catch you both up! Also this is on me, don't pay it." For the love of god I hate socializing. Lorenzi then looked at me as I was going thru my phone messages. "We have some place to go and we might be late. We can talk again." I love this guy so much for saving my damn introverted self. She then left to get our coffee done. "Alright back to our conversation. Make the conversation simple, you know how Rochell would act if she finds out you know she hooked up with Arthur." I'm aware how she would react because she's more private about her love life. She doesn't like to mention things related to her relationship if she has one which is understandable. "I'll just ask her some simple questions and not personal ones." Looking out the window seeing Janett walking towards to a bookstore and there she is. Rochell was in there. Her beautiful body, face, smile... Everything. I noticed that Rochell loves reading these days and she would stop by any bookstore she sees to walk around and end up buying a tons of books then leave it in the corner for a long time. After waiting for our coffee to be done with, we can finally go now.

"Aye see you around kiddo."

"See you pumpkin spice." Lorenzi waving as we leave the place. While we walked to the court I heard Lorenzi saying "Should I try out Janett or is it too early?" I swear to god I almost hit a traffic pole while drinking my coffee. "I don't know about you but if you want then go ahead." I have no attention to know what is going to happen next between those two. "You are a good adviser Elijah." Lorenzi sighed dramatically and continue walking. We opened the door and everyone was all eyes on us, they were sitting on the floor listening to some announcement the coach was probably talking about. "Look who came at 11 in the morning when you two supposed to be here at 10:30 AM. I even put it at the group." I smiled akwardly looking at Lorenzi who was going on the group chat. "You sent nothing Bruce." He said proudly like he wants to be dead to something. "I didn't? Guess you guys are the left out ones." Bruce laughs and told us to sit. Rochell was whispering to Janett as usual. We had to seat behind them and Rochell turned to me saying "They made a new group chat, I'll add you later on." She then smiled. She smiled at me. Her smile is warm today instead of a forced smile. I turned my head to Lorenzi and he's trying to not pat on Janett's back to start the most humiliating conversation with her. After Bruce was done lecturing us about some competition next two month we can finally go and do our daily Saturday boring training, but first I need to speak with Rochell. I eyed on Rochell to let Lorenzi know what I'm going to do first. He nods and went to our spot to wait for me. "Hey, Rachel wait up!" I call out Rochell to make her stop walking so fucking fast. She stopped and turned to wait for me to catch on her. I heard Janett said "Oh no square head is here." Then walked away. I don't know if that's an insult but whatever it's a great sign to talk to her alone. "You need anything?" She said, looking up at me, head tilting to the side. Fuck I can't do this anymore when she's this cute. "Can I have a moment with you for a second?" I said, rubbing the back of my neck from the nervousness I'm getting and not being able to make eye contact with her even though I know she's looking up at me. "Yeah sure let's go at the corner then." I followed her from the back. Damn, her body is flawless, I need to have her all to myself. I don't know how many times I have been saying this but I will never stop describing her body. I'm deadly obsessed with her. She the stops and that's when I notice we're outside the place but in a corner. "So... What is it?" She asked me, playing with her hair like she would. "Oh. Not to be weird but are you seeing anyone? Like dating or hooking up with." Why the fuck did I said 'hooking up with'? Seriously Elijah Alexender focus and to not make the conversation worse. "No.. Well not exactly no but maybe a half yes." Yes? So I missed my chance? Is she going out with Arthur? "Why did you ask?" She adds. "Who's this lucky guy?" Why am I still fucking talking?
"It's Arthur Andrade. The ice hockey player." That fucking guy? The guy that literally stole Rochell from me now? What a jackass. "Oh." Was the only thing I could come out from my mouth right now because I have no words left to say. "Is there anything else? I need to go back in. Janett is probably waiting for me." I nodded at her and said "Yeah that's all." I let out the fakest smile I can put on my face as if nothing's happening right now.
"You coming?"
"Go on without me." I watched her walking away slowly. I stood at the same spot thinking what have I done to not get her earlier than this. What did I do to deserve this. (haha monkey is emo now 🐒)

A Heart's EnchantmentNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ