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     "It's fucking raining and you expect me to go out there? No. Let me eat my hot dogs in peace!" Lorenzi complains as he was taking a bite of his hot dog.

 "Be alone then I'm going to the washroom, so I'll see you in a bit." 

"Be quick. I need to vent to you about Janett."

  "Wait for me for an hour." I said jokingly, hitting him on the shoulder. As I was standing up up getting ready to walk, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I walked over and took out my phone to see who was sending me text messages and not to be surprised it was a text from my mother telling me to come home for a family dinner soon. I don't usually show up in these kinds of things when it's related to family because as a person who now is a walking guy that has mommy issues, I don't have the feeling to go because every single time the dinner table flips from a nice conversation to some kind of dramatic issue, I would walk out from the dinning room to the front door and to find myself walking around the park then I would crash at Lorenzi's place. Yes, we do own a house together but that is normally for us to stay on weekdays.  

    I was walking while scrolling thru the group chat my cousin made with the others, I saw Rochell walking with a guy. It was Arthur. Why is he walking with her and to the store room even? Maybe they're just taking chairs because that's where the school keeps the chairs for assembly. I tried to hide the wall behind them as they walked so sweet looking, almost like a great cute couple. I hate that so much. I heard a 'bang' on the store room door so that means they're in there. I have no choice but to walk past that room which I don't want them to spot me walking around the halls like I'm desperately searching for Rochell or find Arthur to beat his ass up so I have decided to wait for them to come out then I'll walk to the washroom. I stood at the same place where I were and leaning against the wall, on the phone still looking at the group chat which is now having  debate on turtles or frogs are better. I couldn't stand with them so I went on instagram to see what's going on there for fun. It's been a long time since they have been in there and I really need to piss. I crawled myself and peeked my head on the window to see what's taking them so long. Oh my God. She was ontop of him and naked? Seriously from every places in school it has to be in the store room? Work harder next time Arthur, there's a tiny window that people could look at. So is Rochell just fucking this guy because she knows he likes her? Does she know that I like her? I'm having billions of questions but I'm left stunned from what I'm seeing. I then stood up and my hands are glued to my mouth, I suddenly don't have the urge to piss anymore so I walked back to the place where I left my innocent friend. 

   "Wow you came back for me! Why do you look so mad for? Did you do something?" Lorenzi said that as I was taking a seat infront of him and stared at him with my hands in my pocket, I threw my phone on the table. "Dude did you murder someone?" Lorenzi now serious and putting his book he was reading and his drink beside it. Taking my phone then putting on top of his book. "I saw Rochell hooking up with Arthur at the store room." I said it in a straight face then my hands are now again wrapped on my mouth. "What do you mean? Unless... She knows Arthur likes her and she accepts him?" Lorenzi was also stunned to hear this. 

"That can't be right. Does she even know Arthur before this? I have never seen her hanging out with him before." 

"I mean I have seen him before lurking around school but I'm not sure what grade is he in. He's probably in senior year like us. Is Rochell a hooker?"

  "Arthur smells like a skunk." Lorenzi laughed a bit on this but I was being serious. "I don't really think skunk is the best word to describe him. It's a fish!" He actually stinks, like a raw fish coming out from the sea. It's disgusting to smell it because he's disgusting. "Do you think Rochell hates me now?" I asked this question everytime when I spot someone not paying attention to what I do. It may sounds like I'm some attention seeker but it annoys me that someone acts like that. "No. Maybe try asking her? Where was she when you saw her?" I shook my head and said "Last I saw her was at the store room remember?" knowing Rochell she would stay there and in that one position until she's ready to go. "Talk to her next week, or if you can't wait just text her." Lorenzi is really thinking I could do all of that and not having anxiety and the fear of her not liking me anymore is going crazy in me. My stomach is going in many places and it's making m uncomfortable to even stay in one position.  "I don't think I should be mentioning the part where I saw her doing it with Arthur. Would she hate me?" I said nervously not wanting to make eye contact with Lorenzi anymore. "Come on you're overthinking stuf. We both know Rochell wouldn't do that to you. She's a nice one that doesn't leave her friends behind." He's not wrong. She doesn't leave anyone behind except for Chloe. I don't know what's the deal with her and Chloe but she's good at acting so I'm hoping when I talk to her she won't act infront of me. I want the truth and not the lie. "Yeah maybe I am overthinking." I looked out the window and the rain stopped. It's now sunny outside. "Hey the rain stopped!" Lorenzi then looking out the window as I was. "Let's go home." He said packing his things into his bags and taking out his phone, probably texting his driver to pick him up. 

"Hey can I crash at your place for the night?"

"Don't ask just follow me home like a stalker you are." He chuckled grabbing his things, waiting for me to be done. 

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