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Jan ran her hand through the fur of the husky on her table and heard her whine as the needle went into her hind leg. "I know, sweetie. Just bare with it." She dispensed the medicine and massaged her leg after pulling the syringe free from her, setting it aside. Her human companion let her up and she immediately began licking her leg. Jan laid a peck on the puppy's head and caressed her cheeks as she gave her a few kisses as well, then hopped around her exam table. "Alright, that should do it. Bring her back in six weeks and I'll give her the last of her regiment."

"Thanks, Doctor Garza!" Taylor's little brother exclaimed as he helped Ada off of the table and onto the floor.

He ran out of the clinic and she spotted Blaze greeting them, beginning to play with the puppy along with his ten month old, nearly fully grown kits. Well, two of them that is, as it was apparent that the female of them was much like Poppy. She was a docile, skittish kit and stayed inside unless Kenny was outside with her. Having taken a shine to her and the kunekune more than anyone else, she preferred remaining in the main house most of her days, but loved exploring the play system Kenny had built for the animals.

It ran the length of the house even venturing upstairs and the foxes loved running along them late into the night. In addition to it creating more playful spaces for them, it also kept them up from the breakables Kenny also had sitting on various pieces of furniture, all made at Jan's request of course. Speaking of, Kenny would be home any moment, Jan surmised as she spotted the sun setting in the west. She checked her watch as she felt a hand settle on her shoulder, then glanced up at Taylor.

"How much do I owe you, shortie?"

"It'll be sixty this time and the next." Jan walked over to her computer station and smiled as she eyed the pictures lining the area. Some were of herself with the animals that lived on her farm and those whom she'd helped in town, while others were of herself and Kenny. Some even had her family. Their family. They always brought a grin to her face, though one in particular always stood out more than the others. It was of Jan, Kenny, Neil, Troy, their children and the siblings' parents who still lived in Providence standing in front of her clinic just after it was built. They all had giant smiles and held onto one another as they posed for Mikala who took the photo just before she left town. As sad as it was that just after striking up a friendship with the woman that she was gone, Jan couldn't help being happy that she was finally pursuing her truest desire, which was teaching surfing in her hometown of Galveston, Texas. They were all still in contact and even planned on visiting her soon as it was more than apparent that she may have met someone with whom she was irrevocably smitten. Four months could really change just so much. "So how's the business goin'?"

"It's good. We have a quinceanera and another weddin' finally coming up, so mine and Hank's hands are pretty full, but happy." Taylor handed her a roll of three twenty dollar bills and she unlocked her cash drawer, tucking them inside before securing it once again. "How's Kenny? We haven't seen her in like two weeks."

"She's been helping Neil with a big job in the next county over so that he can get home a bit earlier to be with his family." Thinking of her love, Jan grinned and felt how cheesy it was before Taylor even said anything.

"Damn, Jan. That smile looks good on you. So," She leaned on the table and sent her a smug face that she rested in the pad of her palm. "When y'all goin' to tie the knot?"

"We haven't set a date yet. I told Kenny I'd be fine with just goin' to the justice of the peace, but--"

"Ha! Kenny would never do that!" Throwing her head back in a fit of laughter, Taylor was brought back down from her high perch until her little brother ran inside and began tugging on her shirt.

"I'm hungry, Tay!"

"Okay, okay. I'll get you home to ma. Go on to the truck with Maddie." Upon her last words, he ran from the clinic once more and Jan could hear a vehicle pulling up the driveway, feeling herself glow. Taylor held her arm out and nodded toward the door. "Let's go see your honey, doc."

They walked arm and arm out of the door just in time to see Kenny hopping out of her truck and shaking her shaggy hair which appeared to be drenched. She shivered and gathered her arms around herself as before rifling through the driver's seat to pull out a jacket. Getting it on, Kenny jolted as Taylor whistled and she spun around with a hand on her chest.

"You trying to give me a heart attack, Tay?"

The brunette beauty simply shook her head with a chuckle as she gave Jan a side hug, then moved toward her own pickup. "See ya, stranger."

"See ya, dork." Kenny gave her a high five as she passed by, high and low, then they separated with one last wave over their shoulders. It was an habitual act as they'd grown quite close over the last six months and Jan waved her goodbyes until the siblings had disappeared off of her property. Before she had a chance to register it, Kenny was wrapping her up in her arms and shivering. "Burr! I froze out there and you're always so warm, animal doc. Come here."

Jan giggled as she looped her arms around Kenny's neck and kissed her cheek, tucking her face into the side of her neck. She smelled of wood and something that was so very her, tickling her nose with her hair having grown quite a bit since the last time she cut it. Jan leaned back, keeping her arms around her neck and her pelvis flush with hers. They always fit together so well and it never ceased to marvel her. Still, as she began playing with her shaggy hair she could help giggling again.

"Want me to cut it for you?"

"Are you nuts, doc? It's the only insulation I have and it's damn cold." Kenny chuckled and kissed her, then stared into her eyes for a second before stealing another. "Then again, why worry about that when I have you to warm me up? Right?"

"Who did you say the dork was?" Kenny wiggled her nose at her and dipped her head, resting it along hers. Jan couldn't recall a time when she was happier and she closed her eyes, content to stay like this the rest of the night. Blaze had other plans, however, as he and his kits ran over and began leaping in circles around them. "Okay, y'all. We're gettin' your food." Jan took Kenny's hand and gave her a peck on her cheek, then rubbed their noses together. "Come on, carpenter. Let's feed the kids."

"God, I love you. Call me that again." Kenny wrapped her arm around her waist as they began toward the barn and the foxes ran ahead of them. "Please?"

"Want to cuddle by the fire with some barbecue and egg sandwiches, carpenter?" Jan received a kiss on her temple at this and Kenny poked her button nose.

"Sure thing, but I should shower first. I'm sure I stink."

"No, you don't."

"The last time you said that Neil and Troy's kids wouldn't come near me. I think there's something wrong with your nose, doc." Jan laughed and rested her head along her shoulder as they neared the barn, then rubbed her nose along her cheek. Glancing at her upon the lifting of her head, Jan watched Kenny's face melt as she raised one eyebrow. "Care to join me?"

"Do you even have to ask?"

Kenny winked and nodded back toward the house as she began walking backward toward it. "Meet you in the shower in ten minutes? I'll get it nice and warm for you, so don't keep me waiting."



"I love you."

Breaking her backward stride, Kenny stopped before running forward and cupping her cheeks. She kissed her and gazed into her eyes like it was the first time. Just how did she do that? How could she make Jan feel so special with a single glance? Having been off of her antidepressants for the better part of six five months, Kenny was vibrant, even more lovely and everything Jan desired and more. Their life together was shaping up to be precisely what she hypothesized: Bliss. Kenny was her person, through-and-through.

She rubbed her nose along Jan's and took her hand, rolling her finger holding her engagement ring in between her fingers several times. "I love you, too. See you inside, doc."

With that, Kenny journeyed toward the house as Jan made the rest of her trek to the barn. Apart, they might have been, yet she knew they would always come together. No matter the distance or time it took to cross, they would find each other. They would love each other. Forevermore...

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