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After not having any humans onto her farm during the four months following her splitting apart from Lindsay, Jan was at peace and thankful for the contact. As the reno-crew, which she'd aptly named Neil's team, worked on the other side of her adjoining property loudly enough for their clattering and hammering could still serenade her ever pondering mind while she and Kenna worked the animals and crops. Kenna had proven herself quite adaptable and was quick to pick up the many names of the animals and tasks involved with them, even catching her smiling as she labored at one point. She'd taken the last few days to get the animals used to her touch and even now, Jan could hear her outside of the barn speaking softly to who had rapidly become her favorite of them.

The honking that followed set the permeating idea in stone and Jan smirked as she spotted Axel walking with her toward the other side of the barn. Kenna didn't pay her any mind, lost in a world of her own with the donkey as he brayed up at her and rubbed his head along her shoulder. It appeared as though he'd already wholeheartedly accepted her and that warmed Jan's heart. She adored the animals, they were her family after all, so seeing them glom onto a new face always set a fluttering in her chest, though this was a bit different.

In the short time they'd lived together on the farm, Jan had been watching Kenna. She made sure to keep it subtle after their somewhat awkward conversation about her brother's request, but found it harder and harder to sneak the glances as she was soon rather hypnotized. Kenna was quite captivating with the way she moved and looked at things. Her eyes constantly ran along the land as if she was marveling over the most minute of details, though Jan could sense something seemingly disparaging about it all. Something sad lingered in her eyes and for the life of her, Jan had no way of knowing precisely what it even meant.

She was sure Kenna was happy to be on the farm, even ecstatic to tend the crops and socialize with the animals, but something else littered her features. It also hadn't slipped Jan's attention that Kenna was on some type of medication she must have been instructed to take just before dinner, which they shared daily of course. Last evening when Jan fixed their plates of barbecue she'd been cooking for around three hours and smelled savoring and mouthwatering, she'd kept her back to Kenna, but could see her reflection in the window at the back of the kitchen. It was evident that Kenna thought she wasn't watching her and pulled a small pill bottle from her coveralls, downing it before Jan could turn back around with their plates in hand.

Kenna had grown more and more quieted throughout their meal, allowing Jan to regale her with many stories involving the animals and her eyes had even drifted closed several times. Once they were done eating, she cordially bowed her head as she cleared the table, then cleaned the dishes in silence until she basically shuffled her way out of the house. Whatever she'd taken, it had left her in an almost zombie-like state as Jan watched her disappear into the camper. Jan had half a mind to call her brother and make sure she was alright, not addicted to something elicit, however she hadn't. Instead, she observed Kenna from afar all day and could even hear the shimmying of the pills in her pocket when they both pulled some weeds beginning to grow near the watermelon rows. Now as she saw Kenna disappear with Axel around the side of the barn, she realized the clattering of the medicine was still ringing true.

Worried for her animals and the safety of her drug-free farm, Jan got to her feet and gingerly pet the side of Bessie's face. She wasn't having a great day and Jan knew her time was very limited, making her as comfortable as she could. Now Bessie slept after her medication had kicked in and she rubbed between her ears and along her snout for a moment longer. Once she was sure Bessie wouldn't wake again for the evening, Jan closed the gate to her private stall and made her way to the barn exit. Once there, she observed Kenna from afar as she walked to a water spigot near the crops, made up of watermelon, cucumbers, asparagus and blackberries.

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