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"How dare he!? I mean, who- who does he think he is? I know something sinister is going on in that contemptuous brain of his."
I paced around my room, ranting and brainstorming theories for why George would agree to that date. Kiara and Camille listened intently while they snug in my bed. 

"Oh my god, what if he just sits there and complains about me to them to embarrass me." I wondered.

Kiara and Cami looked at me, then looked at each other and snickered. 
"What?" I inquired. 
"Nothing." Both of them went silent and I narrowed my eyes at them. 

"Well, I'm gonna go take a shower now." I took my clothes and made my way to the shower.
I turned the handle of the bathroom. It didn't open. I tried it again but it still didn't open. I thought it was jammed so I kicked the bottom of the door and it still didn't open. Then I heard water running inside. Cami and K were just out there with me so who the hell is in our shower? I shoved my body at the door to open it in the hopes that the door was simply jammed and someone left the tap running.
     In a few seconds, I heard a click. The door opened and I stumbled in and crashed into someone. I looked up and saw George with a smirk on his face. I stepped back, noticing that he had nothing but a brown towel wrapped around his waist. The door closed behind me and I stood there with my back against it, my mouth slightly parted, my eyes flitting from his body to his face, not knowing what to focus on. I couldn't help but observe his sculpted, defined body. Some might even describe it as alluring but he was awfully stiff. I noticed a few bruises on his abdomen. Droplets of water slid down his body, his wet, dark, jet-black hair lying ever so elegantly on top of his forehead. 

"I mean, I know it's all very appealing but eyes up here, love." He asserted, his smirk even more annoying now.

I caught myself and returned to the matter at hand, "What are you doing here?"

"Our shower broke and, well, I need to look sharp for our date tonight, don't I?" 

"Mm-hmm, you know, you really can't be in an apartment of three girls like...," I gestured to him awkwardly in a fairly clumsy attempt, "...that." I gulped as my breath hitched in my throat.

His eyebrows darted up, and he let out a sardonic laughter, "I asked K, love. This is her apartment after all."

Of course, he asked her. And of course, she didn't tell me that he was in the shower when I said that I was going to go take a shower. I got lost in my thoughts for a while and then, noted George staring at me. 
"Get out, I need to change or would you like to watch." He gave me a dazed look and I quickly turned around to the door. I fumbled with the handle. 
"Other side." He whispered in my ear, unnerving me even more. I turned it to the other side and hurried away as the door opened. 

I plummeted to the couch and covered my face with my hands and groaned into them. I kept replaying all the embarrassing images from the past few minutes like live footage. I kicked my feet and hands into the air out of frustration and let out a loud sigh.

In a moment, George came out of the bathroom fully dressed in a t-shirt and pants, tousling his hair with a towel. He sat down next to me, his towel now hanging around his neck, "So I was just wondering why you broke up with your ex-boyfriend. Since I'm supposed to be your boyfriend, I figured I should know. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, it's fine," I took a deep breath, "Dave is not just an ex-boyfriend, he is my ex-fiance."

He pursed his lips together and blinked at me perpetually, "I'm sorry, I thought I heard fiance."

I tittered.
"But you're just twenty-one. When did you get engaged?" He asked.

"When we were eighteen. Honestly, it was impulsive and stupid."

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