Anokhi's creativity

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Riya hugged Anokhi and said, “Thank you but today at least do not call me ma’am and why only today I want you to never call me.  I will talk to Bhai about this.”

“ Leave me aside, today is not my day, so there will be no talk about me.  Today is your day, so tell me what special to do for you?  ", Anokhi said, avoiding Riya's words.

At first Riya got a little angry and then said to her, “No, nothing special will happen.  Just because I opened the door at your request doesn't mean I'm not angry.  I am still angry with my brother and I am not going to celebrate my birthday. ”

a message notification came on Praveen's phone.  Praveen read that message and happily said to Riya, “Riya, there is no need for you to be angry, see your brother's message has come.  Sir has written to tell Riya that there is no need to sit in the room angry on her birthday.  Go out and enjoy with your friends, because I will come by evening.”

Hearing Rishabh's message, Riya jumped with joy and shouted, "Yes, finally bhai is coming back home." 

Everyone also became happy after hearing about Rishabh's return.  But Anokhi, looking at her face it seemed as if she had smelled a snake.  Her hands were trembling slightly. She took a look at everyone.  There was a smile on everyone's face, happiness and everyone was engrossed in talking about Rishabh's arrival.

Seeing this, Anokhi slowly took her steps back and went away from there.  She went to her room and closed the door and sat on the floor, leaning against the door.

She started remembering her wedding day, grahpravesh and Rishabh's coercion.  In the absence of Rishabh, she used to forget all these things.  But after hearing about Rishabh's return, the fear of Rishabh started settling in her mind again.

She said to herself in a trembling voice, “He is coming back. He hates me.  If he still has that much hatred for me, what will he do with me after coming back?  No, I will not go in front of him. ”

evening time_

The whole day was spent in talking about Rishabh.  Anokhi was with everyone, but she was silent.  But still she did not let anyone know through her actions that she was afraid of Rishabh's return.

Rohit had organized a small party at home for Riya's birthday in which only family members and friends were going to attend.

Riya entered Shobha's room with two dresses in her hands and showed her both the dresses and said, "Mom, tell me what should I wear for today's party?  I can't understand anything.”

Shobha took one look at both the dresses and then said, “Neither one of them is good.”  ”

“Isn't even one good?  Mom, out of all my clothes, I liked these two dresses and you rejected them too.  Now there is not even any good dress left.  What will I wear now?  " Saying this, Riya threw both the dresses on the bed and sat on the sofa in disappointment.

Just then Shobha placed a packet in front of her and said, “So what if you don't have a good dress, but I do have it.  ”

“I love you mom, you are really great.  " Saying this, Riya kissed Shobha's cheek and took the packet.  When she saw the dress, her eyes started shining with happiness.

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