Anokhi's scarf

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Hearing Anokhi's name, Rishabh got lost in Anokhi's memories.

All four of them were staring at Rishabh. When Rishabh felt the eyes of those four on him, he came to his senses and staring at all four of them said, "You all have got what you wanted to know. Now leave my room and just remember that the time of our stay here is changing, nothing else will change in the plan. " Saying this, Rishabh went to his bedroom.

Vikram was looking at him with deep eyes. He smiled obliquely and said, "Whether the plans change or not, there is something that is changing Rishabh." Saying this he looked towards Hardik and he also smiled at him.

While Shivaay and Shivika were looking at both of them with confused expressions, Vikram while leaving from there said, "I don't have time to explain you both. Therefore both of you remain in suspense. "

After freshening up, Rishabh lay down on his bed. But he was not able to sleep. He was remembering the moments he spent with Anokhi.

When he had gone to Anokhi's room in an inebriated state, seeing Anokhi sleeping peacefully, Rishabh too felt relieved in his heart.

Anokhi's hot pink lips peeping through the veil were attracting Rishabh towards himself, due to which Rishabh himself was getting drawn towards her and unknowingly he started bending down to kiss Anokhi, but He came to his senses due to Anokhi waking up. Otherwise perhaps he would have been insolent.

When he couldn't stop thinking about all this, he got up and went towards the cupboard. He took out a small paper bag from the cupboard drawer.

He looked at that paper bag for a moment and then took out the thing kept inside. This was the same scarf of Anokhi which was left in Rishabh's room that night.

Rishabh lay down on the bed with the dupatta and looking at the dupatta said, "I don't know why I have brought your dupatta with me? But I definitely know that I hate you and perhaps that is why this scarf has come with me, so that in my purpose, in my work, I could not forget that you are living in my house with my family and I need to make you leave. Right now I am not coming back to India, so live peacefully, but when I come back to India, your ruin will start. "

While talking to himself like this, Rishabh did not know when he fell asleep. Anokhi's dupatta was still in his hand and was blowing on his face due to the wind coming from the window.

Rishabh was sleeping peacefully in the faint fragrance of Anokhi coming from the dupatta, but will this peace of Rishabh last for the whole life or will he himself in his anger and hatred take this peace out of his life, this is Only time will tell.

After 18 months_

Time picked up in speed and it had been 18 months since Anokhi lived in Shergill Mansion and Rishabh went to France. During these 18 months, Rishabh had disappeared somewhere. He did not talk to anyone at home even once but everyone knew that Rishabh was safe.

Anokhi had become a member of the family in Shergill Mansion. Surekha harassed her a lot, tortured her. Sometimes she would burn her hand, sometimes she would add too much chilli to her food, and sometimes she would make her sleep on the floor, but Anokhi remained silent about everything, without complaining. This innocence, this simplicity, this innocence of hers was pleasing Surekha too. Therefore her harassing of Anokhi reduced.

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