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TW: abuse

"WELL ISN'T THIS SURPRISING" a voice from somewhere screamed.

Dazai and Chuuya both screamed from the jumpscare off the sudden voice that just appeared. When they looked up it was.

Nikolai and Fyodor.

The two both walked up to Dazai and Chuuya on the floor, Dazai and Chuuya got up.



"Oh please, we saw you two practically eating each other's mouths and Dazai playing with your pants" Nikolai said.

"Nuhuh" Dazai crossing his arms.

"Stop gaslighting you bitch" Nikolai said.

"Chuuya-kun, do you realize what you are doing" Fyodor said.

"What do you mean?" Chuuya asked confused.

"Well you see here Chuuya-kun, Dazai here isn't so Mr perfect, hes done this many boys and girls" Nikolai said.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Chuuya asked looking at Dazai.

As Dazai was about to answer he got a sudden phone call from someone unexpected.

"I have to take this" Dazai said moving away from them to take the phone call.

"There you go again, avoiding your problems" Nikolai yelled.

"Chuuya-kun you do realize hes using you for your own needs" Fyodor said turning back to the topic.

"Look Fyodor, i knoe you and Dazais history but you don't know ours, he would never so shut it or ill shove sand in your mouth" Chuuya said.

"Oh? Do you know he slept with many girls and boys in highschool? Do you know he used all off them for sex?" Nikolai said mischievously.

"What he did in highschool is what he did, i slept with people for my needs too" Chuuya said.

"But did you know he manipulate everyone, making everyone thought that he loved them" Nikolai said with a giggle.

"He what?" Chuuya said.

"Oh yeah, its true" Nikolai said.

Dazai returned looking pale like something had happened. He then started to run back to the hotel without saying a word.

"DAZAI" Chuuya yelled but Dazai didn't stop.

Chuuya grabbed all their stuff and headed after Dazai leaving Nikolai and Fyodor.

When Chuuya returned he looked for Dazai in their room but he wasn't their. He tried to contact him but no answer.

~the next day~

It had been 24 hours since dazai just dissapeared, Chuuya told Sakura and Kunikida who was feeling better, they made phone calls and looked around for the Brunette but nothing.

After another day went by, Kunikida walked in the hotel room where chuuya was.

"I got a phone call from dazais father, dazai is fine, he some how made it back to Yokohama." Kunikida said.

"Dazais father?" Chuuya said.

~Back in Yokohama~

Dazai plane had landed and was now being escorted by some security guards to a car. They drove for 2 hours till the car stopped at a mansion.

Dazai took a deep breath and got out off the car, he had already change in the airport and was wearing a black t-shirt with blue jeans. As walked up to the door and was opened by his father.

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