[32] He has never deceived me

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Even though it was a vibrant spring, it felt unusually cold.

The plants were silent, as if withering away, devoid of vitality.

Through the shallow clouds, a faint and chilly sunlight cast a gentle glow.

The girl stood in the green field, her deep green eyes gazing toward the distant horizon through the forest.

Her soft golden hair, still as radiant as the once brilliant wheat fields, swayed in the wind.

However, this time, there was no one to appreciate it.

... A sword.

The girl named Artoria tightly gripped a sword in her hands.

It was a wooden sword, covered with mottled scars.

It was the one he often used.

The traces of wear on the hilt had become smooth, and holding it now, she could almost feel the warmth left by the person who once used it.

Even though she knew in her heart that it was an illusion.

But she wanted to find that illusory comfort.

Unlike the sword in her hands, which always broke.

His sword had never broken.

He continued to use this wooden sword every day, patiently teaching himself day after day.

Artoria gently touched every notch on the sword.

The rough texture, like the scars of days gone by.


"These are indeed my doing, but..."

"I'm sorry, I'm not a knight, and I don't like being called a knight."


"'Good person'... Such a heavy word."

"In such this world, this is not a blessing that people can enjoy..."


"We are peers, you can call me by my name directly."

"Just ordinary addressing is fine, just like that, try saying it directly..."



"Becoming a knight doesn't require anyone's recognition, Artorius."

"If you grab a sword while admiring the virtues of others, you should ask your own heart first. What is it that you hope to protect by becoming a knight?"


"A sword that cannot kill, don't even think about protecting people."

"If the path is wrong, persisting in it a thousand times is a futile act... Today, I will let you understand this truth."


"I'm glad to be your first friend, Artorius."

"Moreover, you will have more and more friends in the future. Don't belittle yourself too much."


"To live is to pursue 'peace of mind.'"

"No one is born with a certain purpose in mind, and no one is born to become a king, Artorius."

"Which means..."


"...Before becoming a king, first become a human."

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