[6] Alvin Pendragon

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[Under Morgan's guidance and care, you began a peaceful upbringing within King Vortigern's castle.]

[Talent Ultimate Life Form awakened: You are the ultimate life form, gathering the blood of the Britannian phantasmal species. As you age, your attributes, the quality of magic circuits, and your affinity for magic will spontaneously improve. The perfect ultimate life form has no weaknesses, thus all special attack effects are weakened against you.]

[As you gradually grow, the maturity and astonishing intelligence you display far surpass your peers, leaving even Morgan amazed.]

[Like a waterlogged sponge, you absorb madly the magecraft knowledge she imparts to you. Various ingenious ideas based on modern magecraft thinking also benefit Morgan greatly.]

"Due to the decline of the age of gods, the true ether of Britannia is gradually diminishing. Therefore, future magecraft construction must focus on the efficient use of magical energt and seek miniaturization, refinement, and engraving of magecraft? A forward-thinking idea, Alvin..."

In the luxurious bedroom of the castle, adorned with dazzling crystal chandeliers and smooth porcelain tiles, a slightly immature yet handsome silver-haired young man stood before the veiled witch. In the palm of his hand, he held a constantly changing shadow, taking various forms.

"Mana Burst, your attribute has awakened..."

Morgan stared at the dark magic in the young man's hand, somewhat mesmerized.

A scene with a strong sense of déjà vu.

...It's almost identical to her past.

"Is it a coincidence..." Morgan murmured softly to herself, "It's the ominous shadow..."

"Ominous? Why would you say that?"

The silver-haired youth asked with curiosity.

"I think magical attributes have no distinction of superiority, it's only a matter of application."

Morgan, upon hearing this, shook her head expressionlessly.

"A magic attribute similar to mine is not a good thing, Alvin."

Human nature tends toward light and fears the shadows. Essentially, they all fear the unknown. Therefore, to the public, unseeable shadows symbolize ominous disaster.

Explaining that magical attributes are without distinction is useless, people will instinctively vote. A commoner without guilt can bear the sins of the mighty.

She has already proven this with her unfortunate experience.

"Not a good thing...?"

"However, precisely because I awakened the same attribute as you, I feel especially happy."

Morgan was startled. "...Why?"

"Because this darkness makes me feel like I'm close to you at all times."

As the words fell, the Britanian witch seemed a bit dazed.

The noonday sun cast its brilliance through the window grilles, painting a layer of dazzling color on the contours of the youth in this luxurious bedroom.

Through the black veil, Morgan gazed at the warm smile on the silver-haired youth's face, radiant like the warm sunlight in winter... a sunlight that the dark witch had never bathed in.


...So strange.

Why would someone be so gentle to an ominous witch?

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