[7] This Vast Land

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The façade of the ultimate antagonist is quite impressive.

Alvin browsed through his attributes, and Alvin's current panel was no less impressive than a slightly weaker Servant in the Holy Grail War.

Although... he knew that in the moonlit world, the panel was basically just for show, the Noble Phantasms were the key to determining victory.

In actual battles, everyone would release chaotic magical attacks, creating explosions of gas.

However, this panel was already extremely exaggerated. It's worth noting that Alvin is just an eight-year-old shota.

He could be described as a young dragon man, capable of carrying weights and punching through stones. Even those long-established knights would exclaim upon seeing him, "This kid is only eight?!"

With the Ultimate Life Form talent, his phantasmal species blood granted Alvin literal strength of bears, eagle eyes, leopard speed, wolf ears... not referencing ordinary animals, but using phantasmal species from the age of gods as a standard.

All the superior characteristics of various species converged into one, and he could even develop a pair of wings if he wanted. No need for any rigorous training, practice, or study, as long as he kept breathing, he would continually become stronger. This was the superiority of being the ultimate life form, every moment was a continuous step towards the realm called perfection.

With age, Alvin still had vast room for improvement, truly embodying a promising future.

When he reached adulthood, he would undoubtedly grow into a monster with Strength and Agility both at A, or maybe even four A+. However, compared to the luxurious terms around him on the panel...

One line on the panel seemed a bit out of place...

[Luck: E]

"Tsk." Alvin looked at that glaring item, "It's actually E-Rank..."

"Is this implying I should become a Lancer?"

It had to be said, his system truly understood the antagonist. If luck were good, then he wouldn't be an antagonist but the protagonist.

Thinking this way, the silver-haired youth couldn't help lowering his gaze and looking at the vast training ground at the base of the castle.

Although swordsmanship was more in line with Alvin aesthetic.

But it seemed like the system was hinting for him to learn the spear?

In this dilemma, a tall figure appeared behind Alvin.

Accompanied by the warm voice of an old man.

A rough hand, covered in scars and calluses, gently pressed on the young man's shoulder.

"Alvin, you seem distracted?"


Alvin didn't need to turn around to know it was his old man, Vortigern. Even with senses as alert as a jackal, he hadn't noticed Vortigern's approach.

The strengths of the two sides were obviously not on the same level.

He turned around and looked at the burly old man in front of him.

What entered his eyes was the gentle smile on Vortigern's face.

Ignoring his overly tall stature, the despised king who made the entire Britannia tremble seemed like an ordinary and amiable neighbor at the moment.

If an outsider saw this scene.

No one would believe that the seemingly friendly old man in front of the youth was the terrifying Vile King who made the entire Britain tremble.

Fate/Ultimate AntagonistWhere stories live. Discover now