Twenty Six

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Blake's  life really bad been flipped upside down. He couldn't believe it. Life was normal, how he liked it, now it'd all come crumbling down. He'd lost the one he'd come to love, his parents losing their love for him. There was no way he could get them to believe him, clearly.

"Their fake, she's photoshopped them and sent them I'm telling you, she's been the one bullying me ever since I had met Alec, I would never take photos like that at all, I'm not like that, mum you know I'd never do something like this"

Looking at his mother for reassurance Blake saw her lips frown. She didn't believe him. Clearly these photos had to be professionally photoshopped for them to believe it. The times when he wanted to run to the boy he loved the most he couldn't. He couldn't go to Alec about this, it wouldn't be fair on the older boy. At least Alec would believe him, that's all Blake wanted. Someone to believe him. Was that too much to ask for. Just some reassurance that someone believed him.

"She wouldn't do something like this for no reason Blake, you've had to have done something to trigger her" Blake's father spoke up. His eyes only twitching to the words he was currently hearing.

"She's jealous, Jealous to the fact I had what she couldn't, she's jealous that Alec had his eyes on me, I had taken her spot, the spot she thinks was rightfully hers to for-fill, they hooked up once, Alec told her no strings attached but she didn't listen, ever since she saw me and Alec she switched, vowing to make my life a living hell, telling me she'll get him back, this is all her plan to ruin my life, to break us apart, but that doesn't matter anymore, he's no longer mine, we couldn't continue what we had due to reasons, I've never had my first kiss until Alec came into my life, for gods sake mum you know this, I haven't even interacted with intercourse god knows post my body online, the fact your choosing to believe a simple lie over your own son breaks my heart"

Letting the tears stream down his cheek as he shouted these words Blake felt his world crumbling down piece by piece.

"Sweetie, they look real, what else was we supposed to do" His mum only questioned.

"Talk to me first, sit me down, ask me if it was true, not get the police involved and then deny showing me the pictures, you think this is going to help, you know the pain I've been going through, how I've been recently and you think getting police involved will make it any better, no"

Rubbing the tears that stained his cheeks Blake paced around the room. A frustrated sigh escaping his lips. He couldn't do this, he didn't need this. Jessica has really fucked his life upside down.

"We just did what we thought was best" Scoffing to these words Blake rubbed his eyes.

"I think it's best if I go" Blake spoke opening the front door behind him.


"No dad, I can't be here right now, not with the you, not with mum"

Closing the door behind him Blake stumbled down the driveway. Tears escaping his eyelids once more as a whimper escaped his lips. Covering his face with his hands the small boy didn't know what to do. Where to go, who to go too. Biting his tongue he did the one thing that could calm him. Go on a walk, by himself, alone.

Watching as cars drove past Blake felt his chest tighten with each step be took. His left leg throbbing in the cast. This was too much, all this stress, anger, sadness. It was destroying his body. He knew he shouldn't be putting too much pressure on his leg but fuck it. He needed a walk, one to freshen his mind. Take a breather away from the scene inside his own home. One he had just felt merely break within minutes.

Soon finding himself at the same park he had met Alec he pushed the gate open. The creaking of the gate hurting his ears. The headache attacking his head becoming stronger. Tears leaving his eyes at a slow pace as he stood in silence. The sound of a ball connecting with the concrete nearby. Blake found himself flinching to this sound only to feel nothing collide with him. Wiping his cheeks he began to walk along the pavement. Only to spot someone in the basketball court. Watching as the boy threw the ball into the hoop that's when he realised who it was. Tears only falling much more.

"Alec" He softly mumbled covering his face with his hands.

Hearing an oh so familiar voice Alec turned around. His eyes widening at the site before him. Blake. Rushing over the older boy hated seeing his boy like this. Engulfing the smaller boy into a hug Alec hated hearing the sobs that escaped Blake's tongue. Feeling Blake wrap his arms around his neck Alec couldn't help but smile. This past month had been different for Alec. It had been a month since he last spoke to Blake. A month since he last kissed those lips of his. A month since he had seen the boy he loved.

Inside Blake only cursed at the fact he had found Alec at this time. He loved it but hated it. Seeing the older boy only made this situation worse. It wasn't like they could just make everything go back to way it was. Maybe life would be better, with or without each other in it.

"What's wrong baby" The older jock spoke running his thumb in circles upon Blake's skin. Watching as the smaller boy pulled away their eyes met, Blake's filled with tears.

"Jessica" Hearing that name Alec felt anger rush through his body. Going to grab his things a hand gripped his wrist. Looking back to meet Blake's eyes Alec felt his heart soften.

"Don't go please" Running a hand through Blake's hair all Alec could do was melt. He couldn't leave his boy like this.

"What has she done" Alec asked pulling Blake over to a bench before pulling the smaller boy into his lap. Feeling a shiver attack his spine as he felt the smaller
Boys skin collide with his own Alec couldn't help but smile. He had missed his boy. A small whince escaping Blake's tongue as his cats throbbed a little to this action.

Looking into the older boys eyes Blake couldn't help but find himself mesmerised. The way the sunlight shone upon Alec's pupils. Alec's kissable lips, silky smooth hair. He truly had missed the older boy. Blake couldn't help but realise how Alec's muscles had grown a little. Making him look even hotter. He really had been working on himself, gotten away from everything.

"She sent my parents photoshopped photos of me naked, saying I was selling my body online" Hearing that words Alec felt his heart drop. Who would do such a thing and why? They know Jessica's is jealous, wants Alec all to herself but pulling something off like this? She must really be hooked on a boy she can't have.

Nuzzling his face into the crook of Blake's neck Alec placed a soft kiss upon the tender skin. A shaky breath leaving the smaller boys tongue.

"I'm sorry baby" Alec's deep voice sending a shiver down Blake's back. The older boys hand wrapping around his waist. Lips slowly kissing up the small boys skin.

"I'll take care of it" Continuing to kiss up the boys neck Alec felt his cock tighten. The way Blake was adjusting himself had turned the older boy on. The way he was looking down at him, god just anything Blake does arouses Alec.

Kissing upon Blake's jaw the sweetest moan escaped the younger boys tongue. Alec's hands gripping Blake's waist tighter as their eyes met.

"Where have you been" Blake asked the older boy as their lips inched closer. Eyes never leaving one n others as the wind brushed their skin.

"Working on myself, so when the time comes and I need to protect my gorgeous boy, I can" Humming to this response Blake couldn't help but smile. He's gorgeous? Alec really thought that?! Resting his head on Blake's shoulder Alec couldn't help but groan. He hated it being like this. All he wanted to do was take the boy home, make love, show him how much he meant to him. But he couldn't, not yet, not now. He wanted to be able to claim him, call him his. Know this beautiful boy was his boyfriend.

"I miss you" Blake admitted, tears threatening to escape once more. His fingers grazing the older boys jawline.

"I miss you too baby" Leaning up Alec closed the gap. His lips softly meeting Blake's. They shouldn't be doing this, the position they were in right now. But they couldn't resist it. Alec knew he needed more time, time to sort himself out. Get away from the life that destroyed their relationship. Life that ruined his family. He couldn't be in it anymore, be involved.

Smiling into the kiss Alec felt his heart tighten. His chest swirling with emotions as the smaller boy kissed back. Blake felt his skin burn, need for more filling his system. It felt so right yet so wrong. Slowly pulling away Blake felt a single tear rush down his cheek. Alec's thumb wiping it away.

"Promise me you'll stay strong, for me, for us" Smiling at the older boy below him Blake rested his forehead upon Alecs.

"I promise" Hearing these words Alec smiled once more. That promise was all he needed to keep going. For Blake, for them.

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