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Kids voices echoed, screams as girls clung onto one n other. After a long month of summer break it was now back to school. Some happy some miserable as they stumbled onto school grounds. Thats how the first week of school turned out to be, a living nightmare. For one boy school was known as hell. Blake was seen as a nerd, an outcast. He didn't really have any friends in school. He often kept to himself, laid low. People tended to stir away from the small boy in the first place. Why? Mystery unknown. However he didn't mind this, especially when he was an introvert himself. A stray puppy that preferred the quiet.

His parents soon caught onto this, none of his friends visiting. Never going out with them, being invited over to their houses. They couldn't help but worry, this soon leading them to give Blake money just to venture out into the unknown hoping for a positive outcome. Blake was quick to catch onto their plan too. Playing along he took the money but decided to save it up for future uses.

"Blake honey me and your dad are going out, if you go out let us know okay" Blakes mum shouted from the floor below. Blake merely hummed knowing they couldn't hear him. His parents only giving each other a look as a sigh escaped their tongue. Leaving Blake alone in the house they only wished he could at least make one friend today. That's all they wanted, for their son to have a somewhat decent childhood. Have a group of friends to hang out with, experience new things together. Except Blake was stubborn, keeping to himself. Staying isolated upon his room most days. Turning down almost every offer his parents gave him.

Groaning Blake pushed himself off of his bed. Stumbling into the bathroom he couldn't help but sigh as he looked at his state. Bags upon his eyes, scruffy hair. His eyes felt nothing but heavy as he rubbed them continuously. Making his way downstairs he couldn't help but notice money left on the side with a note. His parents leaving another twenty quid for him. Yawning he grabbed the money before placing it in his pjs pocket. Soon making himself breakfast Blake was happy it was Saturday. No school, no hell. No more bullying to be taken place upon his fragile body. You see he's always been picked on, but why? That question to never be told.

He had hoped it would come to a close in his last year yet his hopes were soon shut down. The usual jocks that would harass him beginning their yearly torture once more. Leaving him in states no one should have to endure for purely no reason at all. He couldn't fight then back, he was weak, fragile and tender. He was almost girl like, never failed to show emotion, skinny waist. He somewhat hoped he was born a girl, he didn't want to be however in his head he convinced himself it would have been a better life for him.

Checking his phone he looked to no surprise, nothing. No messages, no notifications what so ever. Switching his phone off he decided to do what he always did. Go on a walk, just him, his music, the world around him becoming a blur. Biting his lips he grabbed a grey n black sweater over his white t-shirt. Grey cargos, white converse. Grabbing his headphones he made sure he looked decent upon the mirror before grabbing his house keys. Sending his mum a message letting her know he was going on a walk he made his way upon the outdoors.

Bitter wind hitting his skin, sun shining upon his body as he stood still. Taking in the fresh air he began his walk. Music beaming upon his ears, the world around him becoming silent. Cars passing by as he slowly trailed along the pavement below. His eyes wandering on kids as they walked with their friends. Blake merely wishing for the same, yet he was too scared. He just couldn't make a conversation, talk to people he doesn't know. His attempts always leading to failure. Therefore learning to accept his fate.

Pushing the park gate open Blake couldn't help but shiver to the cold breeze. His arms wrapping around his chest, lips quivering slightly. Maybe he could have added a coat to the outfit, maybe not. Opening his phone he paused his music looking for a better song to listen to. The sound around  him becoming louder. The sound of a basketball bouncing upon the pavement not far from him. Not taking any notice Blake stopped, taking his headphones off of his ears. A certain basketball heading his way as it collided with his jaw.

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