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"Where are we going" Blake asked as he sat in the older one's car. Trees passing by, further away from home. His eyes sour from moments ago. Alec's hand between Blake's thighs as he drove. Blake couldn't help but worry as to where they were headed, what Alec was going to tell him. What was so bad? Why would it make him leave. Biting his tongue Blake took a quick glance at the older boy, watching him drive. He couldn't help but find the boy hot. The way his veins flexed as he moved his neck, his shoulder muscles coming to show as he drove. He could get used to this, wanted to.

"A place I like to call my own" Alec responded. A small smile rising at his lips as he caught the younger one admiring his body. Squeezing Blake's thigh this action only caused a soft groan to escape the younger one's tongue. This place Alec was taking Blake. Was merely the older ones safe place. No ones ever been there with him, until now. He wanted Blake to see this place, maybe someday they could call it their own. However time only tells when it's right for it.

Meeting the older ones gaze Blake couldn't help but smile as he averted his gaze out of the window. A soft sigh escaping Alec's tongue.

"I'm sorry for earlier Blake, I should have though about how that would have effected you, I didn't mean to hurt you in anyway possible, I'd never wish pain upon you"

Hearing Alec say these words only made Blake's cheeks bloom red. A smile creeping upon his lips once more. Taking Alecs hand in his own he leaned his head against the car window. Alec's touch merely bringing comfort upon the smaller one's body.

"Thank you Alec" placing a gentle kiss upon Alec's knuckles Blake felt his nerves slow. His heart beat slowing as he held the older boys hand. Watching as the car turning into a dirt road the view of mountains soon came in place. Blake eyes widening as a Cabin came into view. Hearing the older boy chuckle to his reaction Blake met Alec's gaze. A wide smile on the jocks face as the car came to a stop. Turning the ignition off Alec merely placed a kiss upon Blake's forehead.

Getting out of the car Blake shut the car door. Alec's arms wrapping around his waist. Feeling the older jocks chin rest on his head Blake couldn't help but chuckle. Grabbing Blake's hand Alec was quick to lead him inside. Showing the younger boy around Alec felt giddy inside as he watched Blake's eyes widen at the place.

"How do you know about this place" Turning to meet Alec's glaze Blake sat himself on the hanging bench. The view before him taking his breath away. Mountains afar, nature all around, pure silence. It felt peaceful, cozy.

Taking in a deep breath Alec sat next to his boy. His arm wrapping around Blake's waist. Placing a kiss upon his head Alec took the view in. Blake in his arms, the mountains, it was merely perfect. He knew he was being too affectionate, but he liked it. He wanted to show Blake he really was sorry. He hated that he had inflicted pain upon the smaller one. Made him cry all because he let his anger get the best of him.

"It's my dads, he doesn't come here anymore, gave me the keys to it when I turned sixteen" ruffling Blake's hair Alec couldn't help but smile as the smaller boy leaned into his touch. His head resting upon his shoulder, arm wrapped around Alec's.

"Whys that" Meeting the older boys gaze Blake gave him a small smile. Returning the favour Alec felt his body shudder as thoughts ran through his head.

"That's what I need to talk to you about Blake, I really don't want to, but I can't afford losing you, not now" Resting his head on top of Blake's Alec felt the smaller one lean into his touch more.

"Don't rush" Smiling to these words Alec prepared himself to see the look on Blake's face change.

"Me and my dad don't get along, not anymore, you see, he's always had a cold heart, his abusive, dark side showing fully on the outside, he's bitter, cold hearted, cares about no one, not even me Blake"

Looking at the view before him Alec could feel his nerves rise, heart beat fasten. He hated talking about his home life, why he was who he was, why he was so fucked up, why he doesn't deserve Blake. It's true, he hated to admit it but he didn't deserve the adorable boy that sat in his grasp.

"It all began when I was fifteen, his cold demeanour deflecting onto me, he hated me, I wasn't good enough for him, I try I really do, he never listens, always bringing strangers into our home, I always hear their screams Blake, I don't know what they do in that basement but it never sounds good, it's traumatised me, his men would come in with kids, adults, I've never seen any of them leave again, it haunts me"

Feeling tears begin to erupt Alec pulled the smaller one onto his lap. His arms wrapping around Blake's slim waist, face nuzzling into his hair. He needed Blake. Needed his touch, his scent. God he just needs Blake all to himself.

"When I turned sixteen he got me to do one of his jobs, leaving with his men, in a car, driving to an unknown place, he simply told me, if you wanna stay in this family pull the trigger, I didn't know at the time, when we got there I was shown into an abandoned warehouse, there was a girl in that chair Blake, she was tied up, mouth covered by tape, she looked scared, terrified, I was handed a gun, they told me to shoot her"

Turning himself around Blake straddled the older boys hips. Alec's hands gripping onto Blake thighs. Looking into the older boys eyes Blake wiped the tears that threatened to escape.

"Hey, hey it's okay" Shaking his head Alec let the tears escape. Flashbacks from that night replaying in his head. Feeling Blake cares his cheek he could feel his nerves slightly wash away.

"It's not okay Blake, I killed her, I killed an innocent girl because I was scared, scared I'd lose the only family member I have left, my father, one who doesn't even care about me anymore, one who finds me as a disappointment"

Placing his forehead on Alec's Blake could feel tears brim at his own eyes. Watching the older boy break down in front of him making his stomach turn.

"But you're not a disappointment Alec, not to me" Looking into the smaller boys eyes Alec broke more. He hated how sweet Blake was, he truly didn't deserve him.

"But I am Blake, I don't deserve you, I never will, I'm fucked up, I'm not clean, I found myself using drugs and alcohol to ease my pain, that's why you found me in that condition a week ago, I was out buying cocaine Blake, I fucked up, got into a heated argument with my dealer and one thing led to another, I'm a fuck up"

Blake only winced at the pain he saw Alec in. He didn't know what to do, how to help him. He couldn't breathe as he watched the older boy in this state.

"I can't lose you Blake, I made a promise to become clean, become clean for you, become a better person, hope you don't see me as a fucked up boy who's depended on illegal substances thought out most of his life"

Placing a kiss on Alec's forehead Blake placed their heads together. Alec's hands gripping his shoulders as he pulled the younger one closer.

"I don't see you as that Alec"

"Fuck why did we have to collide Blake, your too good for me, you deserve someone better, I'll never deserve you in my life, never, why can't you see that"

Placing Alec's hands on his cheeks Blake only cried with him. Their breathing heavy as they held one n other. The sweet words Alec spoke playing over in Blake's mind. Maybe be doesn't deserve him, maybe Blake could find someone better. But is that what Blake wants? Does he want to find someone to fill Alec's spot? No.

"But what if your the one I want Alec" These words only made Alec meet the smaller one's gaze. His Breath hitching, nerves rising. Running his thumbs across Blake's cheeks Alec couldn't help but smile at these words.


"But what is it that you want Alec"

Blake found himself asking. His eyes roaming the older jocks as their fingers interlocked. Closing his eyes Alec couldn't help but shudder as these next few works escaped his tongue.

"You, I want you Blake"

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