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I was in my room when Eve came in"You have a visitor," she said

"Who is it?"

"I don't know them" she said shrugging

"Them?" I asked. I walked out of my room and saw Ivy and her friends standing in the living room

"Good evening," I said

"I was expecting your call all day," Ivy said

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be getting ready for your wedding tomorrow?"

"easy girl " Mila said, sitting down on the sofa

"What is it you want?"

"I love that you love Denzel, and he still loves you," Ivy said, looking me in the eye

"Cut to the chase,"

"Marry him tomorrow"

"What?" I said

"Marry him tomorrow" she repeated

"Are you crazy? He loves you, not me" I said

"Come on, girl We all know he never loved Ivy, not even for a day." Annie said

"I know that his happiness is with you I don't want to force him to love me or marry me" I couldn't believe what I was hearing

"Ivy, you stood by him for years, and I broke him"

"I know that, but we can't force love"

"But his mother..." I began

"Don't worry about her," Ivy said, a smile breaking out on her face

"I knew it This wedding dress will look great on you," Ivy said. I couldn't help but smile

"Are you done with the makeup?" Annie asked checking the time on her phone

"Almost" Mila said, taking out a bottle of perfume "There, that smile looks perfet," she said and I couldn't help but feel a little bit happier

"You look beautiful," Snow said, giving me a hug

"Snow?" I said, confused. "Yes, surprised?"

"A bit," I said, still trying to figure out what was going on

"Don't be I know what's best for my brother," she said

"I also know what's best for my son," I heard Abigail say, and I turned to see her standing in the doorway

"What's going on here?" I asked

"what does it look like" Abigail said, walking over to stand next to Snow. "I was forced to accept you back but since you refused to accept the money that day, I was happy to know that you were not a gold digger So you have my blessing to marry my son." My heart skipped a beat

"Does Denzel know about this?" I asked

"No, he'll be surprised Hurry up the guests are waiting," she said, as she and Snow left the room I took a deep breath

Denzel looked at me and smiledHe took my hand in his and we walked toward his mother. "Your blessing, Mum?" he asked

"You have it," Abigail said

Denzel then walked over to Ivy and gave her a big hug. "Thank you,"

"Friends again?" Ivy asked

"Absolutely," he said, and we both walked up to the altar.

As we got to the altar, Denzel looked at the priest. "You can proceed," he said

The priest nodded and began the ceremony He spoke about the meaning of marriage and what it would take to make it work

As he spoke, I couldn't help but glance at Denzel and wonder if he was thinking the same thing Would he be able to commit to me for the rest of our lives? Would I be able to commit to him?

Steve walked up to Snow at the wedding reception. "Can I have this dance, my princess?"

"Of course, my prince," Snow said, a smile spreading across her face
As Denzel and Amelia danced, their voices was heard in the background

"So tell me, why don't you want to marry then?" he asked

"Because I'm afraid of marriage," she said

"Afraid?" he asked

"Because my dad left my mom That's why I made up my mind not to get married."

Denzel smiled "That's pretty funny, actually,"


"Yeah, your fear of marriage is based on a story from when you were a child, Your dad was a jerk, but that doesn't mean that every man is like that."

she smiled

"Tonight is going to be sweet"



"I love you, Denzel"

"I love you, too, I never want to be apart from you."

Later that night
Denzel started kissing me as soon as we got in the car and he didn't stop until we got to the bedroom. His lips were on mine, his hands exploring my body, and I felt like I was on fire

He gently laid me down on the bed, and he removed my shoes, kissing me the whole time

Then he stopped and looked into my eyes. "I want twins"

"Of course, my king,"

He took off my clothes and used them to cover screen 🧐😏

Author:why did you cover the screen?"

Denzel: "What else did you want? That's the end of the story,"

Author: "But, but, but.. what are you guys doing?"

Denzel:"mind your business "

Author:"He's so rude Well, guys, this is the end," and then author heard a moan "Geez, Denzel!"

Denzel" Faith Get out My story is over!"

AUTHOR:"werey Omo Sha don't kill the poor girl😁🧐"
So guys, that's the end of our story,My boss hopes you enjoyed it, and I hope you learned a valuable lesson from it. I love you all, and thanks for the likes and comments! Make sure you follow me and I'll see you next time!"

just then the author heard another loud moan

AUTHOR: "Oh my gosh You guys should come out of that room The story is over!" knocking on the door There was no response, just another loud moan


THE END 😌🥰🦋🤭

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