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"Ivy, don't listen to her She's not telling the truth," Denzel said, trying to calm Ivy down But she just glared at him

"Of course it's true You saw us,"I said

"Shut up!" Denzel yelled Ivy felt her heart sink, and she turned and left his office

"Wow, that was intense She didn't even say a word."

"What did you gain from this, huh?" Denzel yelled

I looked at him"Don't you dare shout at me. You also ruined my relationship with Diego. What did you gain from that?" I snapped.

"You're being unreasonable"

"What did you gain from ruining my relationship with Diego? That's what I gain from destroying your relationship with her,"

"You'll regret it" he said

"I'm not afraid of regretting it," I said, looking him straight in the eyes. "If you want to fight, bring it on. I'm ready for you."

I stormed out of his office, my heart pounding in my chest "I'm crazy" I muttered to myself as I tried to calm down

Ivy stormed into the house, her heart still pounding in her chest

"Ivy, are you okay?" Snow asked, looking up from the couch where she was sitting

"I'm not okay, Where's your mom?"

"Mum! Mum!" Snow called out. "Ivy's here!"

Abigail came downstairs, looking concerned. "What's wrong, Ivy?" she asked

"I'm not fine, Denzel and I had an argument last night, and I went to his office this morning to try to talk things over. But when I got there I saw him kissing his secretary"

"What? You must be joking, right?" Abigail said

Ivy shook her head"I wish I was I saw it with my own eyes."

"I knew it That bitch never gave up on him" Snow exclaimed

"What do you mean?" Ivy asked

"His ex is his secretary Remember I told you about her?" Snow said

Ivy's stomach dropped. "What? He employed his ex as his secretary?"

Snow nodded. "That's the only explanation for what you saw"

"You kissed her!" Harrison yelled

"It's not what you think She kissed me, not the other way around."

"And you responded to the kiss?"

I sighed. "What do you expect me to do, not respond to the kiss?"

"But you don't let any woman touch you, let alone kiss you on the lips" he said

"But Amelia is different," I said

"How?" he asked

"I mean, as she kissed me, I felt my heart beating I felt my heart racing, and I couldn't bring myself to stop her."

"But you should have stopped her," he said

"Before I could stop her, Ivy caught us,"

"No way What are you going to do now?"

"I don't know. I'm thoughtless right now,"

"Do you still love Amelia?" he asked

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes I do I can't deny it anymore I'm still in love with my ex. I mean her kiss her touch, everything about her"

"Shut up, Denzel What about Ivy? The poor girl has waited for you all these years You're just going to leave her for someone else? Are you crazy? You're going to leave her for someone who made your life miserable? Tell me, what will happen to Ivy then?"

I couldn't sleep I kept replaying the kiss over and over in my head I couldn't get it out of my mind I got up washed my mouth, but I could still taste his lips I got ready for work but I knew I'd have to avoid him today I just couldn't face him

I put on my nose mask as I walked into the office. I went to get my morning coffee, not really looking where I was going. I collided with someone, and the coffee spilled all over both of us

"Oh no, I'm so sorry," I said

As I was cleaning the coffee off of the person's dress, I looked up and saw that it was Denzel's mother She was looking at me her eyes widening in recognition My mask had fallen off in the commotion and she could clearly see who I was I felt like the world was spinning around me

This was a nightmare...........

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