Part 75

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On the other hand, Leah is still pretty upset, heading to her room. She gets in and went straight towards the window, trying to calm herself down.

Keira: Leah, calm down, it's fine.

Leah: No, it's not fine. If we are going through this situation, it's because of me, it's my fault...

Georgia: How can it be your fault?

Leah: I cheated on her with Jordan, this is all my fault...

Keira: Leah, that was a million years ago, Y/n forgave you. You're married to her, you have two beautiful sons, now a dog...

Georgia: Keira is right, that was thousand years ago, she overcame that.

Leah is very stubborn and closed. Georgia and Keira could say whatever they want, it wouldn't change anything about what she thinks. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. Keira goes to open the door. It's you, looking for Leah.

Y/n: Hey...

Leah: Babe?

Keira: Okay, we're gonna give you some space to talk.

Y/n: Thanks, girls.

Keira and Georgia leaves the room, while you step in and get closer to Leah, still watching the landscape from her window. You sit on the bed.

Y/n: You okay?

Leah: I should ask you...

Y/n: I'm sorry... for earlier...

Leah: ... Are you mad at me?

Y/n: What? ... Babe, no... I'm not mad at you. Why do you think that?

Leah: You left the common room, earlier, pretty upset and you pushed me away when I tried to come closer to you.

Y/n: I just needed to be alone for a bit... I'm sorry.

Leah turns to face you and to stand between your legs.

Leah: Babe, you know I always be by your side, I'll always have your back... Please, talk to me.

Y/n: Nothing needs to be say... Except, I love you.

Leah: Babe...

Y/n: It's fine, Leah... Jordan hurt so much our family, almost destroyed us... It's just...

Leah: I got you... Okay?

Y/n: ... We're fine, right?

Leah: Better than ever... I love you, Y/n Maria Jane Beckham.

Y/n: I love you too, Leah Cathrine Williamson.

You grab Leah by her short, pulling her closer to you. You smirk at her, having a clear idea in mind of how to waste the next few minute.

Leah: What are you thinking about, Mrs Williamson?

Y/n: Why don't we spend the next few minutes... closer than this... in that bed?

Leah: Y/n...

You pull Leah even closer to you. The temptation is too high, the tension between you two is unsustainable. You pull her closer so that Leah leans on you to kiss you, you kiss her back passionately. As things are going on, Leah lands on top of you, kissing your neck passionately. You smirk.

Y/n: G is gonna kill us...

Leah: I don't care... It's a human need...

Leah keep kissing your neck, making you moaning a bit.

Leah: Try not to be that noisy.

Y/n: Depends on how good you will be...

Leah: You have doubts on my skills?

Season 1: Leah WilliamsonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon