Part 28

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You end up the day sat on the edge of the harbor with Leah, next to you. She has her arms around you. You're not talking, just listening to the birds and the waves clapping the shore.

Leah: I missed this.

Y/n: Me too, I wish this moment could last forever.

Leah: I'm sorry.

Y/n: For what?

Leah: Everything that happens the last few weeks, everything with Jordan... I'm really sorry.

Y/n: It's okay.

Leah: I didn't mean to hurt you...

Y/n: Leah, it's okay... let's forget about it. Actually, I also have something to tell you.

Leah: What?

You straighten up and hold Leah's hand. She starts freaking out.

Leah: You're scaring me.

Y/n: Something happened at Wolfsburg.

Leah: What kind of thing?

Y/n: I kissed someone.

Leah's face closes pretty quickly. She sighs.

Leah: Who?

Y/n: Jill...

You can feel that Leah is getting distant from you.

Y/n: Leah...

Leah: What happened with her?

Y/n: We kinda liked each other, we kissed and...

Leah: Did you sleep with her?

Y/n: No, we just kissed, but being with Jill helped me realized that I wanted us to get back together.

Leah: Okay

You can see that Leah is getting jealous over that relationship you had with Jill. You squeeze Leah's hand to get her attention back. She's still closed.

Y/n: Hey. Today, there's nothing between us, anymore. Leah, I'm with you, not with her.

Leah: Truth?

Y/n: Truth.

Leah relaxes a bit more, she pulls you back in her arms. She grabs your left hand and look at it, a bit sad, realizing that you should have a ring at your finger.

Leah: Do you think you'll put it back one day?

Y/n: I hope so.

You smile at Leah and you lock your hand into Leah's. You feel so good in Leah's arms. Suddenly, your phone rings. It's Cruz. You pick up the phone.

Y/n: Hey little brother, what's up?

Cruz: Just wanted to tell you, mom and dad are back, they are wondering if you eat with us tonight?

Y/n: Yeah, sure, I'll be back at home on time.

Cruz: Actually, for once that the whole family is reunited, mom and dad are bringing us to a restaurant.

Y/n: Okay, I'll be there.

You look at Leah.

Cruz: Alright.

Y/n: Cruz? Tell mom and dad that I'm bringing someone with me.

Cruz: Do I have to tell them it's Leah?

Y/n: No, don't tell them. I'll do it on time.

You end up your phone call with Cruz and turn to Leah, with a smile.

Season 1: Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now