Watch me make this solemn oath

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Clark stopped dead in his tracks as he burst through the door to Kiara and Y/n, the three of them stared wide-eyed at the sight before them.

There a meter or two away from the teenagers stood a person, with a dirty beige mask, covered in all black, holding an axe in their grasp. They stood ominously watching the trio, not making a move, or so you thought.

Y/n slowly flickered his gaze to the axe and took notice of the ever-clenching grip on the handle, Whoever stood before them, wasn't happy that they had found the cabin. He couldn't really blame them, Clark, Kiara, and he just caught the dude red-handed at a murder scene, while they were still cleaning up, yikes.

"Shit, shit shit" Clark hissed. Kiara's face was as pale as paper and Y/n stared at the individual with an expressionless look. The boy still had a bit of vomit slipping from his mouth, he quickly used the sleeve of his mouth to rid himself of the regurgitation. Just as the h/c haired did so, the stranger's gaze shifted to him and they stared at the male for an unknown amount of time.

The stranger lifted up the axe, and that was the trio's snap back to reality "Run dammit!" Clark yelled and started pushing Kiara and Y/n away with haste. The axe flew in their direction and Clark merely missed it by a hair, The weapon got stuck in the wood wall of the cabin. That spurred Y/n and Kiara into movement and the group started sprinting away.

Clark looked back for a split second, and the individual was calmly prying the axe out of the wood like they had all the time in the world. They turned towards the escaping trio.

And started bolting after them.

Clark widened his eyes and moved his gaze back forward. "The bastard is fucking chasing us!" The brunette shouted toward the pair running before him with just as much speed as himself, "That information was useless to share! No one needed to know that, Clark!"" Y/n yelled back "Both of you, shut it! insert your energy on running unless you wanna meet the end of that axe!" Kiara angrily breathed out.

The axe maniac didn't give up the chase and kept trailing behind them with rabid speed despite the overgrown woodland. Y/n realized that, at this rate, they were going to catch up. So, the male did the only thing he could think of: he turned his head towards Kiara and whispered to her, "Change path." The black haired looked at him with confusion but did what he said anyway.

The female took the hand of her brown haired friend and took a swift turn to the right, Y/n made a U-turn to the left, leaving the stranger to halt his pace and look between the two paths each escaping teen had taken, twirling the axe in a pondering notion before slowly walking after the h/c haired male.

Y/n ran through the woods, he had no clue where he was or where he was going; the three had just split up to throw the maniac off. and it seemed to have worked; he couldn't hear the boming of footsteps anymore. So, the male decided to slow down and stabilize himself and his respiratory system by leaning against an oak tree.

'Gods, What the fuck...'

The male felt his stomach churn from discomfort as he had just been forced to sprint away on an uneasy stomach. Y/n felt like vomiting once more as he thought about the corpse they had seen in that cabin. 'Was that Harper's body?' The back of his throat made a gagging sound, but there was nothing in his body to throw up, he felt dizzy, and his teeth were filled with the sour taste of regurgitation.

Y/n's mind stopped as his ears picked up on a rustling sound a few meters away from him. Without waiting, he dove behind the oak tree and put a hand to his mouth. Much to his horror, the person who had been chasing them came into view a few moments later. They walked around the area a bit, letting their axe drag along behind them.

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