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"My name is Alex, Alex Emmons."

Y/n tilted his head forward "Emmons?" The blond boy nodded "Do you need something?"

Alex gave him a nervous smile and rubbed his neck "Can I...talk to you for a minute? privately?"  he looked around the classroom warily. Y/n scratched his face at Alex's clear demeanor of caution "...We can talk after school, That would give us some privacy?" Y/n suggested.

The blond gave him a grateful look "Sure! Uh, We could meet at the front of the school around  three pm, does that sound good?" Alex began fidgeting with his fingers. It was clear he was anxious about something.

Y/n observed Alex's skittish behavior, there was something underneath his tone and front of timidness. Desperation.  

"Um...um. . ." the h/c haired boy bit the inside of his cheek. 'Ten past three. That means I'll have sixty to fifty minutes to meet up with Clark and Kiara depending on how long our conversation will be.'

Y/n glanced at Alex and exhaled through his mouth "Yes that works out."  Alex's face lit up and he gave Y/n a lively smile and nearly fell into the boy's embrace as he shot forward to grab Y/n's forearms "Thank you! See you later!" Alex walked away with seemingly a skip in his pace.

Y/n sighed and began making his way to his next class 

Y/n was sitting in his next lesson listening to his teacher when a sudden subject popped up that caught his attention

"Hydrogen peroxide also H2O2 is a chemical compound that is used as an oxidizer bleaching agent and antiseptic. It's therefore used as a disinfection to prevent wounds from getting infected and also used as a type of oxidative hair dye due to the chemical reaction it often creates new hair color because of it. So if you take H2o2 and-" 

"isn't it also used for cleaning stains stuck in fabric?" a girl asked. The teacher glanced at the interrupting student before replying "Yes, hydrogen peroxide reacts with certain chemicals, weakening the ties to fabric and making it easier to wash out, that goes for all other substances containing protein, and most of all oxygen." 

The teacher cleared her throat "Well if that's all, let's continue our lesson so as I was saying H2O2 can-"

Y/n didn't listen after that he was too immersed in his thoughts 'Hydrogen peroxide can clean out stains?'  the boy narrowed his eyes as his mind strayed back to Ezra's car 'What could they have spilled that required an entire deep cleaning? That whole car reeked of cleaning product.'  The boy tried to think of any type of substance that would require the car to be so rigorously cleaned but couldn't come to a solid conclusion.

the lesson ended soon after. 

the class after that went by quicker than Y/n had anticipated and he was now making his way to the cafeteria. He stepped into the cafeteria and went to grab a tray of food as he stood in line his eyes drifted toward Clark and Kiara, they where both sitting at their signature table.

But the pair were not saying a word to each other. Kiara was on her phone and Clark was uninterestedly poking at his food with his utensils. Y/n had a clear idea of what the cause was to the duo's behavior. 

He made his way to them and set his tray down "Hey guys."  Clark glanced at him but didn't respond. Kiara didn't even bother looking up from her cellular device. The h/c haired straightened his lips 'I guess I shouldn't have had high expectations, there is a big elephant in the room and it can't even be discussed.'

Y/n rested his cheek in his palm and gazed around the cafeteria when it was clear that the trio would not communicate with each other. his eyes locked onto the group across the cafeteria, the quartet seemed to be more lively than the first time he saw them. 

MONOMANIA [Yandere Serial Killers X M! reader]Where stories live. Discover now