Take matters into your own hands

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Y/n felt his heart violently beat against his ribcage as his eyes glazed over the message. He read it over and over again. His mind registered the words.

His hands started trembling lightly and his face paled as he put his phone back into his pocket. Y/n put a hand on the doorknob to stabilize himself as he felt his world spinning. He gulped his saliva down reaching into his pocket for his keys and shakily opening his front door.

He stepped into his threshold, hung his bag on the racket, and felt his nostrils filled with the smell of warmed food. Easing his mind slightly "Hey dear how are you?" A feminine voice sounded from the kitchen

The boy put on a smile and walked into the kitchen to his mother dressed in an apron making dinner "It was good, I had a study hall with some friends." He said.

The woman turned around with a smile "Okay dear, dinner's ready you can go seat yourself already." Y/n nodded and made his way to the dinner table seating himself on his chair.

'That unknown number...' 

 his mother came in with a pot and put it on the table before serving the boy his meal and seated herself to serve herself a portion.

Dinner was quiet for the first few moments. 

Until Y/n spoke up as a thought entered his head "Mom?"  his mother looked up at him to show her acknowledgment of her son.

"Do you know Avery Emmons?" He questioned rubbing his neck. The woman stayed silent "Yes I've heard about her." she reckoned. The boy bit the inside of his cheek as he pondered about his next words. "Alex Emmons asked me if you could perhaps start a case about her?" 

The woman let her utensils hover in the air before she put them down with a clanking sound "I'm sorry Y/n but I can not do that." Y/n eyebrows shot up in bewilderment "What? Why not?!" He chided.

"Y/n." She sternly scolded "Avery Emmons has been missing for five months now, for every day a person is missing their chances of being dead increase, especially with the current state of this town the chances of her being alive are extremely low."

Y/n held back a sour expression and instead clenched his jaw "So just because her chances of being alive is low it means we shouldn't at least look for her body? And what if she's alive? Nobody is trying to even find her!" he proclaimed earning a scowl from his mother.

"Because it's not that easy Y/n, anything could've happened, her body could've been disposed of for example. we don't need concrete proof to know she isn't dead, the facts spell it out already. Avery Emmons was on her way to her friends and she got murdered on the way there by the Runswick killer and her body got disaposed. It is not realistic to ponder on what-ifs."

Y/n face was filled with disapproval "But what if she's actually alive?" he countered 

His mother shot him a warning look "This discussion is done. I'm not opening a case for Avery Emmons. I already have a case as a matter of fact." 

The boy's nose scrunched up but refused to answer. 

After dinner, the boy did the dishes, went up to his room, and fell down his bed internally screaming to himself. 

Y/n tilted up his head from his cushion as an idea popped up in his head. He got off his bed and descended the stairs grabbed his bag and went up again.

Y/n put his bag and pulled down the zipper to grab the poster handed over to him by Alex. He stared intensely at the photo of the girl grinning back at him with her e/c eyes. 

The h/c haired boy clenched the paper in his grasp as he felt frustration build up.

'It seems no one cares about Avery or her unusual vanishment.' Y/n narrowed his eyes as he glanced over to his drawer.

MONOMANIA [Yandere Serial Killers X M! reader]Where stories live. Discover now