Chapter 17: Insightful Conversations

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In times of distress, Queen Vivienne was always glad to have the opportunity to things she enjoyed. Currently, there was no greater passion than learning as much about Gladoria and its people as she could.

Natalia had not sent any letters since the last, a week ago, and Vivienne was beginning to feel panicked. She would do anything she could to distract herself of the situation.

As of recently, she had taken to speaking with smaller, less overwhelming crowds. This allowed for much more insight into the common-people's lives, something that Vivienne saw as very important in being a good and empathetic ruler.

She was currently in the town square of a rural village in Gladoria, her carriage not far away, where a small group of children had been listening to her speak.

One girl, who looked to be about six, shyly raised her hand in question. Vivienne looked down at her kindly and nodded.

"What's it like to be Queen?" The little girl asked with a nervous smile, rocking back and forth and twiddling her thumbs.

"Oh, it's simply wonderful," Vivienne gushed to her, "Although I was never meant to be Queen, I took the opportunity to try and be the best ruler I can be for all my subjects, and that includes you."

The little girl nodded, seeming pleased with her answer.

"But I'm sure you already knew that. Tell me something I don't know. What's it like to be a Gladorian?"

"My Ma and Pa didn't like Queen Natalia at first," a boy suddenly chimed in, "They said it wasn't right we was Kalliots one day and Gladorians the next."

Some of the other children glared at him and another boy hit him on the shoulder, signaling that he was offending their new Queen consort.

"It's alright," Vivienne said gently, "I want honesty."

"But," the boy continued, glaring at his companions, "They came 'round eventually. When we started winning wars we thought it was better to be Gladorians. Better to be a fighter kingdom than no rotten Kalliots."

Some of the other children nodded in agreement. An older girl, around aged fourteen, spoke up.

"Our village fell under the Kalliot city-state before Queen Natalia conquered it." She said, "She wasn't so popular at first, but most of us Gladorians like her now. She's a good queen. She made some good changes for us."

"Yeah, I'm gonna be a general when I get old enough!" A boy said, "Before, only rich people could be generals."

Vivienne nodded. She recalled learning about that new law earlier in her trip, it encouraged equal opportunities and gave people of all birthrights the ability to move up in society.

"We have a school, a real school now. We learn reading and arithmetic and all that stuff." Another said.

"And a new well!" Piped up another. "Our old one was all cracked."

"Not everyone likes Queen Natalia though." Said the boy who'd chimed in earlier, "Know who doesn't?"

"Who?" Queen Vivienne asked, curious.

"King Icup!" Howled the boy, as the other children roared with laughter. Vivienne could not help but chuckle a bit as well. At all the commotion, however, a few adults came over and scolded the children for their disrespect, shooing them away.

A few turned towards Queen Vivienne and bowed apologetically.

"It's nothing to be sorry for," Said Vivienne, waving her hand dismissively, "I've always appreciated the honesty and quick wit of children." She smiled.

"We appreciate all that you've done for us, Your Majesty," said a woman, "Taking the time to make our children's days."

"We are truly blessed to have you as our Queen." Said a man. "We speak wholeheartedly on behalf of all of Gladoria when we say how much we adore you."

Vivienne could not help but flush a little. She saw her footman approaching, signaling it was time to leave.

"Thank you all for your hospitality, it's truly been my pleasure." The people nodded, smiling, and waved goodbye. She waved back.

She curtsied to the crowd and waved a final time before entering her carriage. It was just then that she noticed a letter clasped in her footman's hand.

"Your Majesty, a messenger just dropped this off. It's from your wife. He says it's of urgent news." Her footman said, handing her the letter.

She inhaled deeply, tracing the wax emblem of Natalia's crest with her fingers, before sliding the letter open, her heart pounding loudly in her chest.

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