Chapter 11: Wedding Day

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Vivienne breathed deeply as she smoothed down her white veil. In just a moment's time, she would walk down the aisle and meet Natalia at the alter. They would be wed. Joined together in holy matrimony for the rest of their days.

She breathed again, this had been a long time coming, but that didn't make it any less nerve wracking. There was truly nothing she could do to prepare herself for the way she felt in this moment, it was as if the weight of the world was on her shoulders.

Vivienne reminded herself why she was doing this and felt a little bit lighter. She pictured the look on Natalia's face as she won the final battle against Metarkon. She pictured her beloved Azalea in rejoice.

Taking her last breath, she signaled for the servant nearby to open the large doors to the cathedral. She watched as they slowly opened to reveal the mass of people inside, but she focused on nothing except the gleam in her fiancée's dark eyes.

Music began to play as she walked towards the alter, not once lifting her gaze from Natalia who smiled at her the way she always did. That smile, so kind and delicate and sweet, so unbecoming of such a fierce warrior.. She looked so beautiful in her long white dress and veil.

She made her way up to the alter and took her place across from Natalia, returning her smile as the priest began his opening speech.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the holy.."

The rest of the priest's words became lost on Vivienne as time seemed to pass by in an instant. In the blink of an eye the priest had already began addressing both of them.

"Queen Vivienne and Queen Natalia, have you come here to enter into Marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?" He asked.

"I have." They both said in unison.

"Are you prepared, as you follow the path of Marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?'

"I do." They both said.

"Queen Natalia of Gladoria, do you take Queen Vivienne of Azalea for your lawful wife, until death do you part?"

"I do." She said, staring deeply into Vivienne's eyes.

"Queen Vivienne of Azalea, do you take Queen Natalia of Gladoria for your lawful wife, until death do you part?"

"I do." She said, without hesitation.

"What God joins together, let no one put asunder," The priest declared, "Let us now exchange rings." This prompted the ring bearer to kneel before them, displaying their wedding bands, both a simple gold. The priest said a quick prayer and blessed the rings. They each took the other's ring.

"With this ring, I thee wed, and with it, I bestow upon thee all the treasures of my mind, heart and hands." Natalia said, sliding Vivienne's engagement ring off and onto her right finger and placing her wedding band on her left.

Vivienne looked down at the golden band on her ring finger and looked back up to Natalia. Now it was her turn.

"With this ring, I thee wed-" Vivienne started, but was interrupted by the loud creaking of the door being opened, everyone turned toward the noice and were met with the entrance of a terrified-looking messenger whose face was as pale as death.

"Your Majesties!" He shrieked, panting desperately, "King Icup!" He gasped, "King Icup's army has crossed the southern border!" The messenger then fainted to the ground.

As the cathedral erupted into chaos, Vivienne's heart began to race as she felt like she too might pass out. Just as her mind was beginning to spiral she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She snapped out of her trance to see Natalia staring at her reassuringly, calmly signaling to the wedding band still clasped between Vivienne's fingers. Vivienne's heart did not falter as she nodded. She understood.

Without word, she took the ring and slid it onto Natalia's finger. She wrapped her arms around Natalia's neck as their lips met in an urgent kiss, sealing themselves as wives. Tua in aeternum.

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