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The next day, I didn't leave the house because of what happened the day before. I didn't want to take a risk, at least as long as Bella wasn't here. It was my responsibility to keep myself alive because apparently, my blood had the ability to free this place of all the werewolves.

I tried to complete my review but didn't feel like doing it so I left it unfinished. I searched through the bookshelf to find something interesting to read but couldn't. I tried to watch a movie but didn't find anything interesting. I even decided to cook but then decided against it. My heart didn't settle on any timepass because of the resident fear ticking like a time bomb inside my brain.

In the end, I decided to take a long, warm bath. The soothing water calmed my senses and for a good fifteen minutes, I almost forgot that I was in a tub and not on a soft bed.

The memories of last night appeared in my memory, how Connor kept me secured near him the whole night and how we wake up glued to each other in the morning, how my fingers felt while resting on his smooth yet taut skin and how good he smelled from up close.

But my happy thoughts didn't remain happy for long when I heard the noise of footsteps from my room. The alarming thing was the footsteps were different from Connor's muffled one. They were loud and clear, almost like the person owned this place.

My stomach felt queasy and I stepped out of the tub, to wrap a fluffy robe around me. Entering the room, I looked around nervously but didn't find anything odd.

I was probably being delusional, I thought. I had let Atticus West control my senses and it was giving him an edge over me. There was nobody here, not after the spell Bella put in the house.

I was about to go to the closet when another sound stopped me in my tracks. I gasped in horror when I heard the sound of footsteps walking down the stairs.

I had always made fun of those heroines who followed the source of the voice in horror movies but now I understood why they did this. The curiosity of finding the intruder was greater than the instinct to save ourselves, which was weird in a way.

Wrapping the robe tightly around me, I left my room. My sandals clicked on the marble floor as I made my way downstairs. My stomach was tightened in the worst way possible and I feared that if I came accross Atticus, I might shit myself in fear. There was something about him that suggested that he won't think before snapping my neck in half. But with his power, he could have done this the minute he met me. What was he waiting for?

Both Connor's and Bella's room was closed so I stepped towards the living room. Apprehension filled my being as I looked inside and relief washed over me when I didn't find anybody inside.

But at the exact moment, I felt a very strong feeling of a presence behind me and I turned around swiftly. But again, my eyes met with the wall.

"I k... know... y... you're here." I said, my voice betraying me for the obvious reason. "Show me your face, Mr. West."

I didn't expect something to happen but when the door of living room shut behind me with a loud bang, I screamed loudly on instinct. My whole body started shivering and sweat coated my face.

"Stop hiding, Atticus. Kill me. Come on, don't be a coward." I said, ignoring the drumming of my heart.

I didn't know he would take my words seriously because the moment I stopped, I heard a loud howl that reverberated through my being.

Another scream left my mouth and all the courage drained out. Looking around, when I didn't find any open door, I rushed towards the main door and tried to open it. But there was something wrong; it wasn't opening. The door was locked in its place and despite my effort, it didn't open.

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