20. FIRE

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Once I stepped out of the car, my heart dipped inside my chest. There was no fire whatsoever but beeps of sound alarm could be heard from inside. Instead of walking inside directly, I curved around the house and reached the window of Bella's room.

The windows were closed and because of the curtains in front of the glass, I couldn't see what was going inside.

First, I called the fire department and then looked around myself to find something for help. Knowing the Wests, they would stop the firefighters and I couldn't wait for them exactly.

The streets were dark and there was nobody around. Even Connor's door was locked. Looking around, I sighed when I found a rod placed near the grass. Picking it up, I throw it towards the window with full force. The glass cracked and smoke came out of it. Carefully stepping forwards, I reached the window. Pushing the curtains aside, I looked inside.

The carpet in her room was on fire and it was spreading to her bed. Bella was sleeping on her bed still, no movement whatsoever.

"Bella," I cried her name but she didn't wake up. I screamed again and again but she looked like she was unconscious. There was no other way; I had to go inside to save her. Bella had been doing her best to protect me and now, her life was in danger because of me. I couldn't let it happen.

Holding the window frame with my hands, I propped myself up. The window was high so it took all the strength I have to lift myself up. My arms were giving away but in the end, I was finally able to lift myself over the window.

Jumping inside, I reached Bella and gave some light slaps on her face to wake her up. The sharp smell of smoke was reaching my nose, forcing me to cough. The door of her room was completely blocked by the blazing carpet now and the heat was almost melting my skin.

"Bella," I shouted again and using her arm, pulled her off the bed. She fell down and her eyes shot open. Once she looked around herself, panic appeared on her face and she immediately rose to sitting position.

"Come on," I gripped her hand to stand her up.

The fire was spreading; it was reaching the windows at an alarmingly dangerous speed.

"Shit," she stood up and both of us rushed towards the window. She looked like she was in deep pain and it was taking all her effort to walk. "You go first. There is something happening to me, I can't walk." she said to me.

"Come on, let me help you." I said and pulled her forwards.

"I can't, you should go." she winced, clutching her leg.

"Please Bella," I said and coughed. The whole room had caught the fire by now and sooner, the windows will do the same. "Don't waste any time. Let me help you."

She nodded and I hurriedly dragged her to the window. Her face contorted as I lifted her legs and draped her over the window.

"I am going... going to push you now. It will... will hurt but it is important for your safety." I said between the coughs. My lungs felt like they were constricted and inhaling felt a lot difficult.

"Okay." she said and closed her eyes. I pushed her forwards and she landed straight on the grass, letting out a loud yelp. She tried to stand up to help me but her knees gave away.

"Come out," she said to me, holding her knee.

"Okay," I said and put my hands on the window but the curtains fell on my hand, burning my wrist. "Shit," I retreated from the window which was covered with the curtain that was on fire.

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