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As I stepped out of the house, Connor was already waiting for me in his car. He stepped out when he noticed me and opened the car door for me, making me blush internally.

"At your service," he said and I grinned. Once I seated myself inside the car, he made his way to the driving seat and buckled his seat belt.

"Where are we going first?" I asked.

"To the busiest streets in Raven Hills," he said and drove the car. He was wearing a red turtleneck sweater and to my surprise, he was actually pulling it off. Unknowingly, we were wearing matching outfits, with my red shirt just a shade lighter than his.

As he drove the car, I assessed his jawline that was probably carved with granite. His cheekbones were high, but not high enough to make him look unapproachable.

"Staring is rude," he said with a smirk and I choked on the air

"I... Um... I..."

"Its okay, Sapphire." he said and freed me of the misery.

He stopped the car in front of what was easily the busiest area of this town. Unlike the rest of the town which was creepy and silent, this place was filled with colors and people of different ages. I looked around, to find a large array of shops, branded stores, cafeterias and other cool places.

"Come on," he linked his hand with mine and entered the crowd with me. It was Saturday night, so more of the adults had come out with thier families. "We don't have many clubs and bars but hey, we have a night life too."

I nodded as we passed through the crowd and he stopped in front of a pottery shop. "You'll find a lot of pottery shops here," he said and I gaped the beautiful art pieces in awe.

"Come on," he tugged me along, as we both walked on the pavement filled with people. "This right here is one of the oldest library of Raven Hills," he told me and I fought the urge to peek.

"I want to go inside," I said and he nodded. We both walked inside and I inhaled the familiar scent of books. The library wasn't as big as the ones in the London but it was cozier. Many youngsters were sitting in the arrangement of benches and reading the books, like I used do.

"Wow, I am definitely coming here some day." I said and we both exited the library.

He hadn't noticed it but his hands were gently gripping mine and I felt a strange warmth at his gesture. We walked forwards and passed some cafeterias but he said the best ones are yet to come so we didn't go inside.

"Here, the best antique jewelry shop." he told me and took me inside. There were jewelries made with colorful stones and weird metals. I was never a fan of jewelry so I didn't buy one. But before we could leave, Connor gave me a bracelet as a gift. It was a rose gold bracelet, with small red stones in the center.

"You don't have to buy that for me." I tried to resist but he was persistent.

"Come on, keep it as a reminder of our night out." he said and urged me to extend my arm as he put it in.

"Ok, next in line is this Bagel shop. I swear it sells the best bagels in the world." he said and ordered a sesame bagel for himself. I ordered the same and we waited for the man to make it for us. Once I finally tasted the bagel, I couldn't help but sigh at the heavenly taste. To my dismay, he paid for the bagel before I could.

"You were right, it is the best." I stated.

"Pair it with the perfect cup of hot chocolate." he said, showing me his pearly smile as he stopped in front of a hot chocolate shop.

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