"nobody saw us in the lobby"

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inspired by bbn!

"okay fin, when you get off text me, love you" I hung up once my brother reassured me that he would be safe and sound during his flight to where I currently am at, France.

i slowly dragged my feet to the main entrance of the hotel I was informed to book a room at, my eyes glistening in awe the moment they laid on the luxurious looks of it. stepping in from the glass doors, I took my sweet time to walk up to the reception, where a young girl was patiently waiting at.

she greeted me politely, but I let my gaze linger on her lips and the way they seemed to move in slow motion, honey dripping from her mouth, so sweet and mesmerising. I leaned my head back, taking a better look at the girl before my eyes.

"yeah, a room for two, please" I tilted my head to the side, my tongue grazing my front teeth as I eyed every action of hers, gaze dropping down to her slender hands. they worked fast on her keyboard, as her orbs stayed glued on the screen she was currently working at.

she had strong facial features. sharp, feminine cheekbones stood out the most, greatly matching with her fine jawline, sharp enough to cut your skin open. her rosy lips were quite pouty, but full and plump, making me think how they'd feel on mine. beautiful hazel eyes were moving fast, side to side, staying focused on doing her duties, but simultaneously seducing me just the right way.

maybe I'm just too tired from the long travelling, resulting in my vision becoming quite blurry, the fogginess reaching my brain in seconds. blank.

"miss eilish?" I snapped out of the trance I got lost in, nodding my head as if I had heard what she was previously talking about.

"here's your key, room 300. it's on the 7th floor, second door to your left once you reach the hall. if you have any trouble with the room, or even finding the room, you can just come down here and we'll be pleased to help you"

that voice... silky and feminine, having just the right depth to it, making anything she says interesting in a matter of seconds, hitting something in me I never knew existed, awaking it.

"thank you" I smiled at the way she fixed the collar of her blouse, almost seeming bothered but in a good way. giggling, I extended my arm to grab the keys from inside her palm. my fingertips slightly grazed hers in the process.

I shoot a wink her way, leaving and making my way to the room.


"finneas, why don't ya go grab something to snack on. there's a corner shop down the street" I made up excuses so he could just... leave the room.

"sure, whatchu want?" he didn't leave his eyes off his screen as he responded.

"umh, whatever you get will be alright honestly" I was loosing my patience, tapping my foot on the floor as I exhaled. my back hit the bed as I lied down, staring up at the plain, white ceiling.

I heard some shuffling as finneas got up.

"stay safe!" I exclaimed, staring at the now closed door. I clapped my hands happily, putting on my shoes and heading over to the bathroom.

my eyes scanned my face and makeup on the mirror. I sprayed some perfume on my pulse points and kind off... everywhere on my body, almost drowning myself with the vanilla scent.

Once I was satisfied with my appearance, I grabbed my card and keys. I counted the seconds till a "ding" was heard from the elevator, doors automatically opening and letting me get a first glance of the lobby.

there she was, face full of concentration and obligation to her screen. some hair strands had fallen from her bun, framing her face so beautifully, creating a sexy mess, making me bite my lip. I made sure to be careful, thinking twice before taking another step towards her way.

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