"lose that fucking attitude" pt 2

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yall been waiting for this one

"and now I got a single dot tatted on my knee" I cackled, telling ria the story from when I tried to stick and poke, thinking it was all bullshit, but it turned out to work perfectly fine.

"you're a dumbass" she pushed my shoulder playfully, ranting about her boy problems to me as time passed.

girl problems are much worse, trust me.

I jumped from my seat, when I heard a door open with force.

"yall better cut that cute lil' chit chat you got going on short, and get to work" she clapped her hands twice loudly, making us flinch.

"damn, who pissed in her cereal today.. and everyday" I whispered in rias ear, giggling at her angered facial expression.

billies face dropped, probably taking account of my comment, telling ria to, and I quote, "get the fuck out".

ria practically jogged her way out, flipping her off behind her back, making me hold my laugh in.

"last time teached you fucking nothing, huh" she sighed, her voice laced with nothing but anger.

I shrugged my shoulders, scratching my freshly done tattoo on my shoulder, finding relief in doing so.

Billie chuckled under her breath, running her tongue over her grills, before exiting the little 'kitchen' we had for our breaks.

I shook my head at her, throwing the remains of the protein bar I just had, before lazily making my way to the tattooing area.

Billie was nowhere to be found, not that I gave a shit, but you know, I just noticed.

my next appointment was in about 20 minutes, so I sat down on the stool next to the tattooing 'bed', crossing my legs and letting a sigh escape my lips.

a very scared finneas came in, struggling to close the door behind him, clapping when he finally did so.

"oh, billie wants to meet you at her car in 5' " he muttered, getting his tattooing gun ready, as well as the inks.

I groaned, taking my gloves off, as I fixed my short black fitting skirt, pulling it down my ass and exiting the shop.

I looked around, trying to spot her car, but I was completely lost in this enormous parking lot, where hundreds of cars had been parked.

a whistle coming from my right side got my attention, as I spotted Billie, leaning on her car, giving me a look, silently telling me to hurry up.

I wasn't in the mood to get my ass beat, so I jogged over to her vehicle, holding my hand up, trying to regulate my breathing.

reaching behind my back, she pulled my skirt down, keeping her hand over my ass.

"didn't I say 5 minutes?" she muttered, squeezing my ass hard.

"who do you think you are, honestly" her facial expression didn't change once, as I added

"you've been walking with a stick up your bum all morning, every morning" my voice got quieter at the last words, thinking I might have been playing with her patience.

she nodded her head to the side, as I looked where she was pointing at. my brows scrunched in confusion, but I quickly realized she meant her backseat.


she looked me straight in the eye, as I hurried to open the door, getting comfortable in the backseats.

still having her back towards me, she slowly turned around, her head hanging low as she threw her black beanie on the concrete floor, before getting inside and putting the lock on the doors.

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