41. Wake Up, Lana

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"Time to wake up, Lana."

"Hmm?" Rahn said as she stirred from a deep sleep.

"We need you to wake up."

She recognized that voice but she couldn't quite place it. "What did you give me? I can't move." She said in a slurred voice.

"It should be wearing off, you can fight it. Come on." The male's large hands grabbed Rahn's upper arms and lifted her up into a sitting position.

She blinked several times and eventually was able to focus on the person in front of her. "... Butok?"

"There she is." He smirked.

"How did I get here?" She looked around at a fairly bland room with the bed she had been sleeping on, a dresser positioned as a side table and a bench at the foot of the bed. "Where is... here?"

"So many questions." He shook his head. "In time. First, let's get you up and ready."


"It's been a couple days. You stink."

"Days?!" She stood as he reached out a hand to help her up.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Someone got a little overzealous with the sleeping tonic they gave you. Add the time you spent in holding at the facility and it's been quite a while since you had a good wash. Let's get you cleaned up."

He led her to an adjoining bathroom and pointed to where she could find clean towels and hygiene products before leaving the room, letting her know he'd be just outside the bedroom door when she was ready. She was confused at how accommodating he was being but she wasn't going to question it yet. She could use a good shower to help clear her head.

After allowing herself a much longer shower than usual, she dressed in the generic pants and tunic left for her on the bed and then decided to look more closely at her surroundings. There was no window in the bathroom but there was a small one in the corner of the bedroom, just above the dresser. As quietly as she could, she climbed onto the dresser to peek out. There were a few homes scattered around, with a small field behind them and a large forest beyond. She knew she wasn't near the heart of the city but other than that, she could literally be anywhere.

She climbed back down and after not finding anything else of note she opened her door and took a step out of the room.

"Feel better?" Butok asked her.

She nodded. "Very much so."

"Ok, let's go." He turned and began walking down the short hallway.

"I imagine there's no point in asking you questions?"

He simply shook his head and continued walking. He led her into a living room area with a large sofa and a few arm chairs with a large sofa table in the middle. There were more windows in this room but they were covered with semi-sheer curtains that let light in but blocked the view of the outside. Or blocked anyone's view of the inside, she mentally noted.

Butok motioned for her to take a seat and one of the arm chairs, and he sat in the seat to her left.

After several minutes of silence, she spoke. "I'm getting déjà vu here." She chuckled dryly.

"Don't worry." Butok chuckled.

A few moments later Plar, the female Rahn had reported to in the underground bunker, walked in and took a seat in the armchair opposite them.

"You are looking much better, I see. That's good." The woman nodded to Rahn, and then to Butok, who nodded at her in return. "I hope your time over the last several days hasn't been too taxing on you?" The woman asked.

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