35. A Brief Reunion

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"No!" Biechta gasped, her eyes rounded in surprise and disbelief.

"I promise!" Ashima chuckled.

Rahn listened Ashima kept the females occupied with stories from her home world. She had to hand it to the human, she was good at keeping a level head, and also at keeping the others calm and distracted. Rahn found herself being thankful the small female was with them.

She glanced over to Halan. She was listening to Ashima but she was sitting on her cot with her knees up and her temple pressed to them, her arms surrounding her legs. Rahn knew Biechta was scared and innocent, but it was Halan who she was becoming more worried about. She didn't seem to be handling the separation from her child very well. Knowing both of his parents were abducted had to be hard on the little male. And Halan still worried he might have been taken too.

Guilt was eating away at Rahn. Maybe she should have just knocked out that female that had blocked their path under the stage so at least one of the females could have gotten out. As it was now, she saw no way of getting the females out of their current predicament. Her and Ashima had been insisting the other girls join them for routine exercising and meditation throughout the day, so they wouldn't go completely crazy sitting around in the room all day.

However, after five days Rahn was struggling. Her legs were yearning to run and her fists were itching to punch something.

Ashima abruptly stopped her chatter and the four females looked to the door as they heard the lock unlatch and the metal hinges swing open.

"Ashima. Let's go."

"Ugh. Individual questioning again? What is it they expect to learn differently now?" Halan complained. "Hey guard, how long do you plan on keeping us here. What's the end game?"

He simply stood there with his arms crossed and waited on Ashima but she didn't move. Rahn looked over to notice Ashima was tense and shaking her head.

"No." Ashima said firmly.

"You refuse?" He said, obviously frustrated.

"Send a different guard and I'll happily comply." She said as she stood and crossed her arms, sending a glance at Rahn.

Oh. Rahn gave her a slight nod.

"You're not in a position to make demands, pet."

"She's not going anywhere with you, vanq." Rahn said confidently as the guard, Halan, and Biechta turned to look at her with surprise in their eyes at the use of the insulting term she used. Ashima just looked at her with thankfulness.

"Keep to yourself, female." Qain growled. "Ashima, come or I will make you."

"She said no." Halan stood on the other side of Ashima, glancing at the two. She seemed a bit confused but also ready to join in the fight. Biechta stood as well, drawing what bravery she had.

"Seriously?" Qain scoffed.

"Seriously." Rahn moved in front of Ashima and crossed her arms. She was confident this male was here for personal reasons, he wasn't actually sent to retrieve anyone. Ashima's reaction simply proved this was the male who had attacked her.

"Move out of the way, female." He said, now seething.

Rahn felt the others shift behind her but she didn't flinch at his growling tone. She held his gaze as if daring him to come near.

"Fine. But this isn't over. I'll be back." He said and turned to leave.

"That's right male scum, you're no match for four determined females!" Halan yelled and Rahn let out a sigh.

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