39. Congratulations

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"Why must you question it? Everyone has returned home safely, our cells are full of prisoners to question, our forensics teams have mounds of paperwork and date to sort through. It will be easy to gather up anyone that's left soon enough. It is a victory!" Joreth said as the family was seated for the midday meal the following day.

"I'm telling you, it was all too... easy." Kahal replied.

"I agree." Kietnan supported his brother.

Thala huffed in annoyance at all the bad things that keep happening to her family. "You think there is more at play?"

"I don't know. I just... this group has obviously been around a long time to be this large and organized. They were so careful with Rahn's initiation... it just seemed way too easy for all of us to escape and then raid their facilities and apprehend prisoners. How would a group that has managed to stay hidden from us for so long suddenly become so careless?"

"Maybe we shouldn't question our good fortune." Joreth commented. "I for one am happy my family is home and safe. Poor Halan hasn't let our son out of her sight since she's returned."

"You are just grumpy because that means you don't get any alone time with her." Kietnan snickered and Joreth grumbled something under his breath.

Kahal sighed and leaned back in his chair, staring at his empty plate. Eventually he glanced around to look at his family. They were all talking lightly, seemingly happy. Until his eyes landed on Othen. He was sitting at the end of the table, his fork fiddling with his half eaten plate, seemingly deep in thought and looking miserable.

"Othen." His brother jumped as Kahal said his name. "Don't you have someone you need to go speak with?"

Othen's eyes rounded before he glanced around the room at everyone now staring at him.

"Yes, brother, I think that's a good idea." Kietnan added and Joreth nodded.

Othen opened his mouth to protest, no doubt, but quickly closed it and stood. A look of determination covered his face and he nodded to his family before quickly leaving the room.

He quickly strode down the hall before he would lose his nerve and knocked on Biechta's door. He stood nervously as he heard shuffling within and the door opening. But to his surprise, it was lord Teth who stood before him.

"My lord! Greetings, what a pleasant surprise. To what do we owe this honor?"

"Greetings, my Lord. I wished to check and see how Lady Biechta was adjusting. I take it she is well?"

"Oh! Um..." he glanced nervously behind him before looking back at Othen. "She is as well as to be expected after such events. Of course, her parents and I are taking good care of her."

"Of course."

"I'm sure once she's returned to her home, all will be back to normal."

"Returned home?"

"Why... yes, of course she is to return home with us at once. We wish to put this entire ordeal behind us and go home where she can feel safe."

"She wishes to leave?" He tried to look behind Teth but the man hardly had the door open.

"Of course she is simply shaken after such an ordeal, my lord. All will be well in a few days time, I'm sure."

"Still, I wish to speak with her myself to ensure she is well." Othen stated, trying to keep his voice calm.


"Yes. I wish to see her myself." At Teth's nervous gaze, he added. "Immediately."

Teth's eyes rounded and he stuttered. "I..immediate..ly, my lord? I mean... that is to say..."

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