54. Sun resigned

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Jimin never thought that there would come a day where he would become a relationship consultant.

The instant the new day came, he became really nervous. This was because right at the moment he opened his eyes, Death System began to rack its mind, sparing no effort to push Jimin into a pit again. It released the following mission: "Let Taehyung help you wash your clothes."

This is such a mess!

He questioned the Death System, "Why is it not me washing Taehyung's clothes!?" Although he really didn't know how to wash clothes, the mission would be less troublesome this way. He could stealthily collect Taehyung's clothes, wash them in secret, and complete the mission without batting an eyelid.

But now, how could he have the nerve to ask Taehyung to wash his clothes??

Death System thought inside its heart: Do you think your husband would be willing to let you use your 'fair, slender and delicate fingers ' to wash clothes? I'm afraid you must be thinking too much.

But it didn't speak the truth. Death System incited him instead, "You could help relieve Taehyung's big member again, then 'accidentally' get your clothes dirty. That way, you can..."

Jimin could not stand hearing its words anymore. "Piss off!"

Death System, "Mum(ˉ(∞)ˉ)ble!"

Jimin turned silent. "Could you please not spell things out to describe the emoticon?" What does it mean by open bracket, a dash, open bracket again, then a horizontal eight, another dash, end with a close bracket? It's not cute at all! Spicy chicken system!

Jimin couldn't figure out how to complete this mission. Fortunately, he still had a lot of time, so he was taking it easy.

When he was just about to go look for Taehyung, the doorbell rang.

Who could it be? It's still early in the morning.

Jimin asked himself as he got out of the bed to open the door. He could hear Haan Woo's voice from the other side.

Jimin opened the door. When he saw Haan Woo, he was stupefied.

The two 'buddies' of his had always specifically paid attention to their image. No need to mention Jungkook and the latest fashion. Haan Woo also devoted particular care to what he wore. He would never wear the same clothes two days in a row. His hair had to be done nicely. It was as if the moment he got out of the car, he had to be picture perfect.

But now, the Haan Woo before his eyes had messy hair, his clothes were wrinkled. He looked like a dispirited beauty who had just been bullied.

"What's going on?" Jimin was really worried and asked anxiously.

Haan Woo's voice was awfully hoarse, "I'll take a bath first."

Jimin, "Go ahead. I'll let Liu buy something for you."

Haan Woo, "Alright." Upon finishing his words, he went to the bathroom.

Jimin immediately gave Liu a call and asked him to buy some breakfast.

Liu acknowledged (the order) repeatedly. Jimin recalled that Haan Woo didn't like to drink soy milk, so he purposely told Liu. When Liu heard that Haan Woo was there, he promptly said, "Don't worry, I'll definitely buy things that will suit Director Woo's taste." All of them were old acquaintances, he knew what Haan Woo liked to eat.

After he finished talking, Jimin sent a message to Taehyung. [I can't go to your place yet, something happened to Haan Woo.]

Taehyung responded quickly. [Alright, no rush. Contact me if something happened.]

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