Chapter 4: So Long Sanity

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Part 4!!!! Thanks for sticking around!!!

Why I had run away from those kids, I didn't know. It hadn't been the fact that they had been carrying swords. It was probably the fact that somewhere deep inside, I had known that they were just like me. And that scared me.

If there were more people, who could summon the dead, or worse, what was I to think?

True, they might have been friendly. But at the moment, I was a little surprised I hadn't turned into a Werewolf or something, I was certainly strange enough.

And if other kids with the same powers were more, well, barbaric, what would I become?

So in other words, I was running away from myself.

It was one day after the incident on top of the mountain.

Aquila and I had covered a good amount of ground, I had found a secondary path that took us uphill, but in the opposite direction.

We make it up, and over the next pass, and into another valley. This one was narrower, with a creek at the bottom, instead of a river.

It was midday, and we had stopped for water.

I had no purification tablets, but I had taken a pot from the cabin, and after starting a fire, went down to the creek to fill it with water.

I was bending over the water, when I became aware of a shadow.

Instantly I dropped the pot, drawing my sword, and swiveling around on the rock, still in a crouch.

Standing behind me, with his sword also drawn was the boy from the past who had called himself the Son of Odin.

He had blond hair that fell over his eyes, and on his sword was a picture of two ravens. As did his shield which was black, but had two white Ravens with their wings touching painted on it.

I thought of those two raves I'd seen, the ones that had turned silver. One of the boy's eyes was silver too. The other was blue.

'Who are you, and what are you doing here?' he asked,

I slowly stood,

'I'm getting water,' I answered coolly, 'what about you?'

'Who are you?' he asked again, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes,

'I'm Epirus.' I said shortly, 'and I'm not at all pleased to meet you.'

The boy raised one eyebrow,

'Are you always this rude?' he asked,

'Pretty much.' I answered,

I could feel the tension leaving, then he smiled, and held out his hand,

'Well then, I think we'll get along great.'

I shook his hand, and climbed up the bank so we were on the same level.

'I'm Hoder by the way,' he said,

'The son of odin,' I said, 'from Norse Mythology.'

He nodded,

'Big silent dude who ever says anything, that one, you can tell I got all his mystic.'

'With your sense of fun, you should have been a child of Loki.' said a girls voice,

I looked past Hoder to see the ten year old girl with the bow,

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